The church is organized as an international federation with local churches and central initiatives. The Elders and the Assembly of Representatives have ultimate authority.
The BCC Federation was constituted in 2021. Eight joint initiatives have been defined, which are the main focus areas for the entire federation. Each joint initiative has independent management and a separate mission within the federation’s objectives.
The international central organization, the BCC Federation, is registered in Norway. The same applies to six of the joint ventures, while two are registered in the US.
To be admitted to the federation, an organization must share the BCC Federation’s basis of faith and purpose, recognize its Constitution and bylaws, as well as the authority of the Elders and the Assembly of Representatives. There are four types of members: Churches, children’s and youth organizations, joint initiatives, and associate organizations.
In other words, there are no individual members in the BCC Federation, but individuals become members of a local church. At the annual general meetings of the local church, members can influence decisions, such as the election of representatives to the Assembly of Representatives.
Business plans as a management tool
Each joint initiative prepares an annual business plan that describes the activities that the organization is planning for the coming year, what they cost and how they will be financed. The business plan forms the basis for applying for grants from the BCC Federation, and is reviewed by the Assembly of Representatives in connection with the annual budget process.
How decisions are made in the federation
Several of the joint initiatives are funded by the donation model and work with missions and activities that promote BCC’s objectives. All joint initiatives present the next year’s proposed budget and business plans to the Assembly of Representatives at the ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives. The Elders comment on the business plans in the consultation rounds.
See how decision-making processes work
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As of 2024, the Assembly of Representatives has the following committees and working groups:
- The Nomination Committee
- The Audit Committee
- The Youth Committee
- The Children’s Committee
- The 60+ Committee
- The Legal Committee
- The Finance Committee
- The IT Committee
- The Event Evaluation Committee
- Task force for the donation model
- Task force for volunteering
- Task force for communication
- Task force for membership intake
See which resolutions have been adopted:
Assembly of Representatives meetings in 2024
Assembly of Representatives meetings in 2023
Assembly of Representatives meetings in 2022
Assembly of Representatives meetings in 2021
Assembly of Representatives meetings in 2020
Member organizations seek admission to the BCC Federation
The intention is that local churches that consider themselves part of the BCC faith community can apply for membership in the BCC Federation.
In order to ensure that BCC’s activities are based on righteousness and orderliness in every aspect, the Assembly of Representatives has adopted a number of requirements for admission to the federation.
Over the coming years, more local churches will become member organizations in this way.