Since March, the whole world has been in a state of emergency because of the effects of Covid 19, and that has had a tremendous impact on this year’s BCC Conferences. So far, five of our usual conferences as well as four camps hosted by Brunstad Ungdomsklubb, our collaborative youth organization, have been cancelled. We still do not know how 2021 will turn out, but BCC is working to offer its members good online alternatives for as long as the situation demands it.
By Johanne Reiersrud – Photo by BCC
In March, BCC cancelled its annual Easter Conference for the first time since the second World War, and has subsequently cancelled four more conferences because of Covid 19. BCC’s Conferences have usually gathered 3,000-11,000 participants several times a year from both Norway and abroad.
Currently there is a prohibition on events of more than 200 people, in addition to quarantine requirements varying from country to country, which prevent international participation.
No indication has yet been given as to when these limitations will be repealed, and this understandably creates uncertainty as to when normal conferences may be resumed. BCC plans therefore to offer members good online alternatives for as long as the authorities’ restrictions continue.
READ ALSO: A different summer: BCC’s online summer conference has started
Events arranged for 2021
BCC is keeping to the planned event calendar for next year for the time being, at the same time taking into consideration the arrangement of events and alternative conferences online. More information will be given as soon as we find out more about the situation and when it will be possible to hold normal conferences again.

Continuation of Online Conferences
This fall, the traditional brother’s conference for men will be an online event from the studio at Oslofjord Convention Center in November. We are also looking at the possibilities for the number of guests that can take part in the studio in accordance with infection control regulations.
It will also be possible for individual churches to plan small, local events while they follow along with joint transmissions as long as they comply with infection control regulations.

Online conferences have resulted in a process of renewal
Since Easter, the members have been able to follow regular TV transmissions from BCC, a service which has been well-received both in Norway and internationally. Surveys carried out among members have reflected great satisfaction with the online alternatives so far, and the media foundation will continue to develop these in the coming months.
READ ALSO: Online event: BCC shares experiences
Johannes Schmechel who leads the media team says that the Covid 19 situation has resulted in a huge process of renewal in the organisation.
–The coronavirus pandemic created a need which set in motion much innovation and creativity. What we see now is that the transmissions connect the members even more together regardless of geographical borders, with interaction and contributions from several parts of the world. This is also shown in our user survey, where more than 90% felt that their part of the world was represented in the summer transmissions.
–New technical solutions enable even greater participation in transmissions without having to be physically present, and it is very likely that we will continue in this way even after ordinary conferences resume.
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