Associated Organizations

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Associate members are organizations that work for the same objectives and want to belong to the BCC Federation.

Children and youth

Children and youth are a high priority in the church, and there is extensive work aimed at this target group in many local churches around the world. In many places, this work is organized in separate voluntary associations that create a healthy and good framework for children and young people’s personal, spiritual, and social development. As of 2024, three Norwegian children’s and youth organizations have been admitted as associate members of the BCC Federation: Activity Club, Brunstad Youth Club (BUK), and Xercize.

Brunstad Youth Club (BUK) is part of BCC’s Christian youth work and organizes activities and camps for young people aged 13 and up. The association aims to promote Christian faith, fellowship, and the exchange of experiences between young people from all over the world, and to protect them from destructive and harmful environments.

BUK has 20 chapters in Norway. Worldwide, there are around 80 youth associations that have the same or similar purpose but are not legally affiliated.

Xercize is a voluntary association that aims to conduct Christian work among children and young people involved in sports, based on BCC’s values and beliefs. This is done through activities, camps, competitions, and events with Christian and sports-related content. Xercize has weekly activities in local teams all over Norway.

Activity Club (AK) is a voluntary association that offers leisure activities for children up to the age of 13, based on BCC’s Christian faith and values. The association has 22 local chapters in Norway, which offer weekly, organized activities adapted to the members’ age, interests, and abilities.

Joint services in the BCC Federation

The BCC Federation’s joint services is an association that is an associate member of the federation, providing internal services. That is to say, to the central organization, joint initiatives, and national associations. For example, the services can be provided within IT, interpretation and translation services, finance, and HR in order to streamline operations across organizations in the BCC Federation.