Since its inception in the early 1900s, the church has worked to connect individuals with Jesus so that they can have a personal faith in the gospel.
Jesus’ Great Commission forms the basis
Jesus’ Great Commission forms the basis for the work of bringing the teachings of the gospel to all peoples.
Large membership numbers have not been a goal in itself.
From the start, Johan Oscar Smith (1871-1943) talked to people he met in his profession as a naval officer, and over time gained followers all along the Norwegian coast. From Norway, it spread to several countries, initially in Northern Europe. After Smith’s passing, others continued to travel and preach God’s word, and the message reached several continents.
Today, the result of this work is churches throughout Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

Meeting people where they are
The church’s profile has always been to spread the gospel from person to person, through natural conversations and faith-building where people meet.
To facilitate this, BCC has in recent decades provided financial and practical support for the construction and operation of dozens of conference centers on several continents. Supporting missionary work has been an important part of the church’s donation model and fundraising campaigns for many years.
The missions buildings that BCC has contributed to have had various ownership and operating models over the years. For the most part, they have been owned by independent non-profit foundations that have fully or partially coinciding objectives with BCC, but since the BCC Federation was established, they have come under BMS International’s ownership and supervision.

Missionary work creates new opportunities in developing countries
Through projects in many countries, people with a heart for missions have helped Christians living in regions with low purchasing power to find a place to come together. In addition, many jobs have been created. This form of indirect humanitarian work is “helping people to help themselves,” and experience shows that this is the best help that can be given both in the short and long term.
Through Christian social entrepreneurship, vocational training and the creation of new jobs have given young people a chance to support themselves.
The mission projects have therefore created many ripple effects, where resource persons with the ability and desire to make a positive contribution to their surroundings have emerged in otherwise poor regions.
All this work is based on Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples and teach them to keep His word.

Read more about the mission organization