
The international BCC Federation is managed by several bodies. The top two are the Assembly of Representatives and the Elders.

The Assembly of Representatives

The Assembly of Representatives is the supreme authority in all practical, legal and financial matters.

The Assembly of Representatives consists of approximately 180 representatives elected by and from among members in countries where BCC has local churches. The number of representatives depends on the number of members in each local church.

There are ordinary Assembly of Representatives meetings twice a year.

The body decides on amendments to the bylaws and annual budget frameworks, and is the granting authority that allocates funds and grants to promote the objectives.

Neither the Assembly of Representatives nor the Elders may make decisions with direct effect in member organizations, unless otherwise provided for by these entities’ own bylaws.

The Secretariat for the Assembly of Representatives

The Secretariat is also the central organization’s board and represents the BCC Federation externally.

The task of the Secretariat is to follow up the Assembly of Representatives’ resolutions and coordinate the areas of IT, law, compliance, finance, internal audit, and communications.

As of 2024, the members of the Secretariat are:

Tore Aslaksen, Thijs Flietstra and Berit Hustad Nilsen.

The Elders

The Elders provide spiritual and visionary leadership. They are responsible for stewarding the church’s teachings and Christian content of the church’s events.

The annual elders’ gathering, attended by around 120 local church elders from different countries, approves the composition of the Elders. To be elected as a member of the Elders, it is crucial to have the trust of both the leading elders and the members, as a result of a godly life.

The central Elders consists of four people:

Kåre Johan Smith
Harald Kronstad
Bjørn Nilsen
Trond Eriksen
Kåre Johan Smith
Harald Kronstad
Bjørn Nilsen
Trond Eriksen

The chairman of the Elders – Kåre Johan Smith

Since Kåre J. Smith took over the spiritual leadership of the church in the 1990s, he has steadily led the church into a new era. He has contributed to innovation and development, particularly in activities for children and young people and the use of technology in communicating the message.  

He is not paid by the church.

Joint initiatives

The joint initiatives that are affiliated with the BCC Federation have boards and leaders who have independent responsibility for their organization. Board members are elected by the Assembly of Representatives. Business plans and budgets are adopted by the respective boards, which then apply for any grants and support from the Assembly of Representatives.


Local churches that are part of the BCC Federation are required to have their own boards and good leadership.

In addition, the federation has set minimum requirements in areas such as organization, annual meetings, budgeting, and accounting to ensure that BCC’s activities are based on righteousness at all levels.