BCC’s international conferences are held at Brunstad in Norway. This has been the case since 1956, and the members have put a lot of effort into this.
The conferences are popular and highly prioritized among members. Several generations have renewed their personal faith, experienced fellowship, celebrated holidays together, and made important decisions for their lives at these conferences.
Of great importance for the church’s development
For generation after generation, friends have made great efforts to be able to travel to the conferences and experience the preaching. Friendships are forged across cultures, nations, and age groups.
The place is so central to our history that the church was named Brunstad Christian Church (BCC).

A place to gather
First, a look back at Brunstad’s history.
When the church bought Nedre Brunstad in 1956, it was a run-down farm. There was great enthusiasm for the opportunities that lay ahead, and a lot of hard work was put in
to prepare for the conference the following summer.
Brunstad became important for the church’s international expansion, as it provided a place to invite new contacts from missionary work in all corners of the world.

Ownership is safeguarded in a separate foundation
A lot has changed since the 1950s. Both physical framework, organization and mode of operation. Brunstad has gone from being a small campsite to a modern conference village with room for many thousands of guests.
BCC and its members owned and developed the site for 50 years.
Ownership was then transferred to a foundation in 2002–2006, in order to make a clear distinction between the church as a religious community and property management.
Ownership now lies with the Oslofjord Foundation.
Agreements for accommodation during conferences
One thing that hasn’t changed is that BCC’s members travel back to Brunstad again and again to attend conferences.
Accommodation is purchased via the Samvirk consumer cooperative Samvirk. More than 6,800 individuals have signed agreements for accommodation at the church’s conferences. Most of the agreements last for 20 or 50 years and have been important for financing the development of the site.
As a unified customer voice, Samvirk safeguards its members’ interests in relation to Oslofjord, which is operated commercially.

Local churches develop conferences together
Nowadays, between 4,000 and 12,000 participants attend the events. Organizing everything from the program, food, and rigging, to activities, information, and cleaning requires a large apparatus. Volunteers from all of BCC’s local churches plan and implement the conferences, but the processes are led by BCC Event and their employees.
Regardless of whether people physically attend the conferences or follow them online via streaming, the conferences at Brunstad are a central part of church life.
This has been the case for generations.