What does Brunstad Christian Church believe and teach? Here you can read answers to frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between BCC and other Christians?

BCC is part of the Christian family and is a Christian church belonging to the Protestant branch of Christianity. In short, the following is central to our faith:

  • Our faith is based on the Bible, the Holy Scripture, which is given by inspiration from God. The Bible is our only authoritative text, and it contains everything people need for their salvation.
  • We believe in God the Father, the Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth.
  • We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before time, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born into the world of the Virgin Mary.
  • We believe that in grace there is forgiveness of sin, and that grace will further lead the believer into sanctification, to bear fruit for God.
  • We believe that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will teach us and remind us of all that Jesus has commanded us.
  • We adhere to the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.

Furthermore, our faith is based on the teachings, values, and Christian content that Johan O. Smith represented.

What is BCC’s view of homosexuality and relationship ethics?

BCC respects the right of all people to make personal choices according to the rights established by society, and believes that all people are loved by God, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

At the same time, we believe that the Bible has established marriage between a man and a woman as the framework for sexual relations. We therefore believe that living in a cohabitation or homosexual relationship is not compatible with the Bible’s instructions.

What is BCC’s view of women?

BCC works to ensure that both women and men are included and equal in the church. Women in BCC participate in board work, as youth workers, in the Assembly of Representatives, and a number of other church tasks. They are also active in the church’s gatherings, speaking, praying, and singing.

Every community has a culture, which is often characterized by traditions and unwritten rules. From the middle of the last century, the view of women in the church developed in a direction where there was a culture of restricting rather than facilitating women’s development in church life. But then there was a clear shift about 30 years ago, when Kåre J. Smith became spiritual leader. He worked to involve women more in the work of the church. Since then, the culture has gradually evolved in a healthy direction. 

Nowadays, the role of elder is the only one that is reserved for men. This is not an absolute requirement, but based on BCC’s understanding of what Paul writes to the Ephesians, the Corinthians, Timothy and Titus, men will be chosen as elders as long as there is someone suitable for the task.

What is the connection between BCC and Brunstad?

The venue at Brunstad in Sandefjord municipality has been an international gathering place for conferences since 1956. The conferences here are still an important arena for fellowship in the faith. In recent times, the conference facility at Oslofjord has been subject to extensive development.

The venue is owned by the Oslofjord Foundation, which has an independent purpose of property management. 

The BCC Federation as a church has its head office and daily operations in Moss municipality in Norway.

Who can become a member of BCC?

Membership is open to anyone who supports and professes BCC’s Statement of Faith and its purpose. 

It is possible to become a member through a local church. Feel free to contact your local church if you would like to come to a meeting or talk to someone about what we believe and preach.

What happens if you choose to leave BCC?

It is simple to cancel membership in a local church if you wish, and of course there are no sanctions.

Most people retain a good relationship with friends and family in BCC, even if they choose to leave the faith community.

What does it cost to be a member of BCC?

There is no cost to attend Sunday meetings and Sunday school.

The local churches have a lot of activities, meeting facilities and programs for children and young people, and the costs for these are mainly covered by the donation model. Members over the age of 26 contribute to the donation model. 

The board of the local church is responsible for preparing budgets according to the desired level of activity and costs. The members vote on and adopt the budgets at the annual general meeting. The costs of running the church are covered by the donation model, where all members are encouraged to contribute according to their means. 

How is the money used in BCC?

All donations to BCC can only be used within the objectives. 

Each year, the Assembly of Representatives adopts budgets and allocates grants, based on business plans from the organizations within the federation. 

Members receive information about what the money is used for through information broadcasts, presentations, and annual reports.

Who decides in BCC?

The top two bodies in the BCC Federation are the Assembly of Representatives and the Elders.

The Elders provide spiritual and visionary leadership. They are responsible for stewarding the church’s teachings and Christian content of the church’s events.

The Assembly of Representatives is the supreme authority in all practical, legal and financial matters. The Assembly of Representatives consists of representatives elected by and from among members and meets at least once a year. The body decides on amendments to the bylaws and annual budget frameworks, and is the granting authority that allocates funds and grants to promote the objectives.

The other organizations that are affiliated with the federation, either as joint initiatives or as member organizations, have boards and managers with independent responsibility for the organization they manage.

Does BCC have any sacraments?

We do not practice sacraments in the traditional sense as a means of grace, but both communion (Lord’s supper) and believer’s baptism are practiced in the local churches.

Does BCC believe that its own members are the only ones to be saved?

No, absolutely not! Jesus made reconciliation possible for all people by suffering death on the cross (Romans 5:18).

We believe that everyone who calls on God’s name and believes in His Son Jesus Christ can receive forgiveness of sins and be saved (John 3:16).

How has the church become international?

From the very beginning in 1898, individuals have shared their experiences of living as a disciple of Jesus, witnessing from their own lives. During the First World War, Johan Oscar Smith traveled along the Norwegian coast and met people wherever he went ashore. Furthermore, many were eager to share the church paper Hidden Treasures. 

When the church established a conference center at Brunstad in 1956, it became possible to invite new contacts here to experience preaching of the Word and fellowship. This was important for missionary work throughout Europe, the USA, and all other continents.

Can you drink alcohol as a member of BCC?

There is no ban on alcohol in BCC. The Bible warns against drinking too much. How the individual understands this is a personal matter.

BCC has a drug and alcohol-free activity program for children and young people, which gives them a good alternative to a harmful culture of intoxication and destructive behavior.

How does BCC view abortion?

As Christians, we in BCC have great respect for all life, including unborn life, as we believe in God as creator and life-giver. We see abortion as a personal issue, and not a church matter.