We look back on a memorable summer

With fond memories and experiences from summer conferences and youth camps, many embark on their daily routines, school, and work with renewed enthusiasm. From mid-July to well into August, fellow believers from near and far have come together for spiritual edification and fellowship. Let's take a retrospective glance at some of what we got to be a part of this summer.

Many travel from afar to attend the summer conferences in Norway, and it is the preaching that the participants gather around.

Even though the summer weather was changeable, the atmosphere among young and older members remained consistently positive.

The summer weeks have offered a packed program of activities and content for every taste. Many will likely remember the exhilarating ride they had on the Ferris wheel at the feast plaza, an activity sponsored by a member at the conference.

Family Fun – Children’s Day

The forecourt buzzed with life as hundreds of children tackled the obstacle course that took them through exciting stations on the way to the course’s highlight – Color Fun.

Children and youth have a very special place in the church; here they are welcomed. Many volunteer mentors are involved in caring for them to ensure they enjoy themselves and feel both seen and heard.

Children's meeting - BCC Summer Conference 2023

At the children’s meeting, the children got to become better acquainted with the Bible story of Joseph and his brothers.

Together with local mentors, children in the middle age group participated in a Tweens day with activities and content specially tailored for this age.

Senior Lunch - BCC Summer Conference 2023

Well-being and fellowship for 60+

Many seniors took the opportunity to participate in senior lunches and senior dinners during the conferences. Here, it was peaceful and there was time for meaningful conversations in atmospheric settings.

Summer Camp for Youth

Those fortunate enough to participate in the Youth Summer Camp know that the temperature and atmosphere increase even further when youth from all parts of the world come together. This year’s summer camp was no exception. For a full five days, the youth engaged in various daytime activities and attended faith-strengthening meetings and themed sessions in the evenings.

Many thanks to all the volunteers who have contributed to creating the wonderful framework for the conference experience this summer.

Throughout the conference, many women and men, young and old, testified that they would let what they had heard and experienced during these summer weeks shape their everyday lives and their faith in the times to come.