The church has a long tradition of taking action when something needs to be done, and various local churches have taken the initiative for such endeavors over time. The initiative that is called “Driv Aksjon” has inspired participation in BUK youth camps and the purchase of long-term hotel usage agreements in Samvirk for the past six months. This summer, for the first time in many years, hotel usage agreements were finally for sale again. The last time such agreements were sold was back in 2012.
The initiative was launched in the Magazine during the New Year’s conference, when the church from Bergen received the trophy and began their six-month leg. Since then, they have helped to inspire, encourage, and entertain the entire church week after week, month after month.
Youth groups from all over the world have collaborated in teams across city and national borders. New bonds of friendship have formed, and one of BCC’s important objectives has materialized during this action period: to provide children and youth with a positive and healthy Christian environment and create a good framework for personal, spiritual, and social development. The ability to gather for camps or conferences at Brunstad is a central part of how this can be realized.
The six-month period is now being rounded off with a proper celebration, and the friends from Bergen have spared no creativity or energy when we see what the day of celebration entails.
At all entrances, the red carpet is rolled out, making us feel welcome. The hall is decorated with a “Driv Aksjon” (Auto racing) theme and is completely packed. Additionally, many are following the event via big screens in other areas of the venue, while others watch the broadcast through the app.
With an opening show, orchestral music, and the unveiling of a genuine Formula 1 car, the excitement is almost through the roof. Ruben and Gjermund extend their welcome. They are both enthusiastic volunteers from the church in Bergen, who have gone the extra mile to inspire and bless the friends in the past months. And when the flashback film from the last six months rolls across the screens, it’s hard to hold back some tears of joy in the pews.
The responses from the young people interviewed on stage undoubtedly reflect what most of us feel: an immense gratitude for being part of such a forward-looking, bold, and wholehearted group of friends.
See pictures from the youth summer camp here
The winning team is announced in a friendly competition
Without a doubt, a great deal of energy and not a little prestige has been invested in becoming the team that wins this six-month competition. All 15 team leaders have become a close-knit group through this friendly competition over the past six months, and they are now excited as the announcement of the winning team approaches.
Team 5 won the final leg, and Team 11 emerged as the overall winners of the six-month competition. However, the prevailing tone this evening is that all teams are winners, and this celebration is a collective commemoration of a particularly festive six months.
This is BCC’s objectives
- To promote the Christian faith as it appears in our statement of faith among all people and teach those who wish to follow all that Jesus has commanded
- Further the framework conditions for Christianity and its standing in society
- Provide children and young people with a positive and healthy Christian environment, and create good framework conditions for children and young people’s personal, spiritual, and social development
This is BCC Event
- A foundation and joint initiative within the BCC Federation
- Responsible for planning the international church conferences and camps, held at the Oslofjord Convention Center in Norway
- In 2023, nine conferences and four youth camps will be organized
This is Samvirk
- Established by and for members of BCC who participate in BCC’s events at Oslofjord and wish to purchase long-term hotel usage agreements
- A consumer cooperative that purchases all available hotel accommodations from Oslofjord during BCC’s events and resells them to its members
- Aims to promote the interests of co-owners in connection with their participation in BCC’s events at Oslofjord. This is achieved by facilitating smart use of Oslofjord and utilizing the venue to its best for current and future generations
- Offers solutions for booking and payment of hotel accommodations during BCC’s events