“It is very gratifying to see that the support for the conferences is so great. We are really getting started now, after a long pandemic. Initially, we had an optimistic hope of around 8,000 participants, but now over 9,000 are expected to come, from as many as 31 countries. It is really a record for a Pentecost conference”, says Peter Tischhauser in BCC Event.

The conferences have always been an important part of church life in BCC, and the overall goal of the events is to promote the Christian faith, both on an individual level, and through strengthening the Christian fellowship. Tischhauser explains that the vision for the event activity will be promoted in three different ways:
“First and foremost, by strengthening the individual participant in his personal connection with Christ. Secondly, the conferences should contribute to unity in the local churches, which sign up to be along and often contribute with voluntary efforts during the events. Thirdly, the conferences will contribute to unity internationally, by connecting us as one church, he says enthusiastically.
“The Pentecost conference will be both varied and rich in content, with programs for both children and adults. We believe the mission feast on Saturday, with the theme “Life is the light of men”, will be a good experience for many. In addition, there will be faith-building meetings, a live Magazine program, as well as activities and a large international football tournament for children and young people, says Tischhauser.
BCC Event is now working with the finishing touches of the preparations and is looking forward to the guests arriving at the Oslofjord Convention Center this weekend.

Church festivals: Great voluntary efforts and common meals for all
Volunteers from many local churches contribute to the program, and in total, they cover around 900 shifts this weekend. The volunteers are responsible for a large number of tasks, from set-up, security, distribution of food and management of activities for children and young people. In addition, great efforts have been put into planning and production of content, such as for the mission event on Saturday night. Here, choir singing, music, film production and more have required many weeks of effort in advance.
“We have experienced so much goodwill from the local churches that contribute. It makes it very rewarding to work with this, says Elise Friberg, who is responsible for coordinating the volunteers.
“Many say that they look forward to contributing, because standing together and working shoulder to shoulder really does something with the experience of fellowship and ownership of the event. Being able to make others happy with our efforts gives a lot of joy to oneself as well.”

The Pentecost conference follow the new concept of conferences in BCC. Here, meals are an integral part of the program. This creates new meeting places and arenas for fellowship during the event, and everyone participates on equal terms no matter where they come from.
Read more about the new conference concept at Church Festivals here.

The mission feast gathers and inspires
The mission event on Saturday is something that many are looking forward to. It is organized by the local church in Horten, in collaboration with the church in South Africa.
The collection goes to the mission work in Africa, and since Easter, the commitment has been great among fellow believers all over the world. The purpose of the collection has gathered and inspired many; leading to more people, also in areas with low economic opportunity, being able to hear the gospel that changes lives for the better. This has resulted in a broad grassroots commitment to contribute, and there are high expectations regarding the result which is to be announced during the weekend.
So far, more than 40 million NOK has been raised for mission in Africa. Read more about the mission collection here.