100 Years of Easter Conferences

Capacity at Oslofjord Convention Center is maxed out this weekend with visitors from 36 nations who are here for Easter. BCC has held Easter conferences for 100 years, and since the church acquired the property at Brunstad in 1956, members have gathered here for conferences every year during Holy Week.

By Johanne Reiersrud – Photos by Adelle Cheetham / Anne-Sophie Tombre 

Easter conferences have often been the most popular conferences for BCC, and this year is no exception. Both daytime visitors and overnight guests are attending the conference, which started Friday evening and lasts until Sunday.

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The main hall at Oslofjord was completely full at the opening on Friday night. Photo: BCC

For many of the younger attendees, this conference is a continuation of the first part of Easter week at Oslofjord—Easter Camp. Multiple activities were available during with camp for 4,400 participants, served within a framework of Christian inspiration and edification.

Perfect Easter weather sets the stage for visitors of all ages. The edifying services on the program allow plenty of time for conversation and reunions between good friends from around the world. For BCC members from Norway and elsewhere, the international conferences represent the significance of our Christian faith and strengthen our fellowship.

READ ALSO: Easter Conference for 37 nations in Norway

The Easter message imparts faith and hope

The Christian gospel is spoken with power here, and the Easter message of Jesus’ death and salvation of mankind communicates faith and hope to those who have come to hear it. People from all walks of life and many different cultures are joined and unified by their Christian faith.

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<em>Kåre J. Smith speaks to the congregation on Friday evening. Photo:</em><em> BCC</em></p>
<p>Seven edifying gatherings will be held during the weekend, two of which are geared towards young people. The conference’s program also includes a live broadcast of the informational program “Brunstad Magazine”, and many activities for children. Children could register for seven different recreational and sports’ academies plus an optional soccer tournament for kids from six to ten years old.</p>
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Time for Fellowship inbetween the meetings. Photo: BCC