The Brunstad Foundation has merged with BCC Fund

The Norwegian Supervisory Authority for Foundations has approved the merger of the Brunstad Foundation and BCC Fund. This means that the BCC Federation's capital is managed in one foundation, BCC Fund.

“It has been a long and thorough process,” explains Jacob Zimakoff, head of BCC Fund. He comes from Denmark and has a background in finance.

Just over a year ago, the Assembly of Representatives decided that the Brunstad Foundation could be admitted to the BCC Federation with the intention of being merged with BCC Fund.

“The efforts that BCC members have put in over decades now mean that BCC has strong and sustainable finances. Now that the merger has been completed, BCC Fund has equity of NOK 1.5 billion that we are working to manage and develop for current and future generations,” Zimakoff explains.

He explains that the merger simplifies and streamlines the management of the BCC Federation’s financial resources:

“With a single administration, we get both administrative and financial benefits. We reduce costs related to operations and reporting, while gaining better opportunities in the capital markets with a larger overall portfolio.”

The foundations are thus continued as BCC Fund, where BCC’s asset management is collected. This means that the name Brunstad Foundation (Brunstadstiftelsen) is no longer in use.