– We always drive at night so that the children can sleep, so on arrival at Brunstad you have tired parents and children who are rearing to go. But it’s 100% worth it.
Tina Bali
- Age 28
- From Hessenhöfe, Germany
- Mother of three small children aged 0-5 years
- Traveling time: 20 hours
Tina says that she grew up with her parents prioritizing trips to Brunstad several times a year:
– My best childhood memories are of Brunstad. Of course I want to pass this on to my children, and there has been an enormous development in activities and facilities for the children in recent years.
But it’s not just the beautiful surroundings that are important to Tina and her family:
– I’m convinced that from a very young age, the children are aware of the good spirit that is present at the conferences. There’s nothing better for me as a mother than seeing my children thrive. They feel really at home here, together with their friends.

She explains why there is a good atmosphere and a good spirit during the conferences:
– The word of God is spoken very clearly here. I feel judged by it and it’s actually a comfort and a release to be able to judge yourself. It makes room for divine nature to grow, so that it becomes blessed and good around me, and above all in my family.
Tina emphasizes personal development in Christian life, and when asked why she keeps coming back, she explains:
– You always return home with a longing for renewal.
All the way from Australia twice a year
One person who can often be seen at the conferences is Finn Risa. Although he has to travel all the way from Australia, he comes at least twice a year.
Finn Risa

- Age 74
- Lives in Melbourne, Australia
- Traveling time: 30 hours
– It is grace from God that I have had the opportunity to attend the conferences so often.
He could have chosen to follow the conferences online, but as an elder he feels responsible for communicating and representing the spirit he experiences:
– I find it necessary to be personally present at Brunstad also for the local church at home. The fact that we come here and receive help, light, and faith also benefits our friends back home. At the conferences I also get help to better understand what God wants to accomplish in and through the church.
Finn points out that there has been a major, positive development in recent decades, and that it is important to keep up. But there is one thing in particular that Finn wants to highlight:
– I am very grateful for Kåre Smith’s ministry and the vision he and the other elders have for the church. At the same time as we’re working on many projects, we need powerful preaching to develop as followers of Jesus.
Drawn to each other
After starting to read the Bible and seek God when they were young, some questions arose:
– Why are there arguments and quarrels among Christians, when we read the same Bible? Vasyl thought.
Nadiya and Vasyl Derekh

- Age 65 and 66
- From Ternopil, Ukraine. Because of the war, we are temporarily staying in Norway.
- 8 children
- Traveling time: 1 hour
The couple got hold of BCC’s literature 30 years ago, and it opened up a whole new perspective.
– That’s when I realized that it’s the flesh in people and our self-will that creates division. My faith was renewed, and I began to work on my own salvation in order to come to a completely new life, says Vasyl.
With this attitude, the couple find spiritual fellowship with brothers and sisters from many countries.
– When we meet, we feel a strong sense of fellowship. We have one spirit, one faith, one Lord Jesus Christ. That’s why we’re drawn to each other and want to travel to Brunstad for meetings and conferences again and again.
Nadiya is excited about life as a Christian.
– We have a living hope, and this always makes us happy, she smiles.
– I think most people have experienced a longing for God and a longing for answers. Our experience is that the word of God is revealed at Brunstad. It’s quite unique. So of course we want to be there as much as we can.