God’s word, music, and the joy of meeting old friends

The weekend is underway for young and old fellow believers from many countries. Joyous meetings between old friends and a festive atmosphere characterized the area on Friday, when the fall conference was opened with an evening meeting in the main hall, followed by a music evening for young people and adults.

Music and singing are a central part of edification and faith in the church and have been from the very beginning. At meetings and gatherings, the songbook “Ways of the Lord” is mainly used. It contains songs dating back to the early 1900s, but both young and old still sing and are edified by it.

On Friday, young people and adults gathered for an informal and spirited evening where singing and music took center stage. There was singing from the church’s own song repertoire, as well as well-known gospel hymns such as “Oh happy day” and “The Saints.”

During the evening, presenter Håkon Pedersen highlighted how the songs in the songbook “Ways of the Lord” have had a special significance for the church’s mission and edification, and how they are still an important tool for this today.. The audience heard the story behind several of the songs, which were written by people who have had their hope in God’s commandments and promises, and a personal longing for the life Jesus invites us to.

“For me, the history of the songs adds a new dimension to the message,” said Håkon. “Many of these were God-fearing people who wanted to do something for God and the gospel.”

Michelle Bertelsen (23) was one of those who contributed with her singing gifts this evening.

“When I sing, I often have to familiarize myself with the song beforehand. It’s incredibly rewarding, as the songs often take on a new and personal meaning for me,” she says.

“Even though the song was written over 100 years ago, I personally think the message fits perfectly for today. The gospel has no expiration date; it’s evident in the power and hope that the songs give. The songs testify that the gospel is the same then and now.”

This weekend’s themed event is next

The mission feast that the local church BCC Eiker had prepared was the big event on Saturday, and the evening carried high expectations. The theme of the feast was “Have faith in God,” with a focus on missions. More about this feast will be published here on the website.

The conferences – a valuable tradition

For several generations, the conferences at Brunstad have brought together people of faith from all over the world. Individuals have made significant choices regarding their faith here, and have been stirred by a life of following Jesus. Those who meet here come to hear the gospel that can create life, peace and unity – both at home and in the church.