Belonging to a fait community makes life meaningful to many people. But without unity and power to achieve, the commitement is often diluted.
Everyone who is a member of an organization, or an association has a relationship to why they are involved. They share the purpose of the association, and desire to participate in the fulfillment of its purpose. And in a modern social system, structures have been set up to ensure participation, security, and predictability in the association.
An organization that both obligates and gives rights
To make it easy for the church as a whole, and to bring understanding of how the organization affects church life, and how one can contribute, the Magazine has created its own podcast. In the latest episode, Trond Eivind Johnsen and Tore Aslaksen from the BCC Federation’s secretariat, are the guests.
“We are part of society, and when we are well organized and fulfill our obligations in society, we are on a solid footing when it comes to our freedom of religion and other rights”, Trond Eivind Johnsen says and continues:
“What in political science is called the “social contract” – which is the unwritten agreement between the individual and the state – means that we all submit to the laws and rules of the authorities in exchange for rights and freedoms.”
Johnsen has been involved in developing the legal structures in BCC in recent years and says that the organizing is linked to the demands and expectations society has towards us as a religious organization. The structure of the BCC Federation has been developed, among other things, by looking at how similar churches have set up their international organization.
Tore Aslaksen, who has also had a part in the process, emphasizes that even though the structure is new from a legal point of view, it is part of a long-term development that goes back to the beginning of the church.
Swipe right to see a legal timeline for the church:
A long-term and robust international structure
With activities in over 50 countries, there is currently a need for a more comprehensive and regulated basis, and an international legal structure. The BCC Federation has therefore been established as a central federation for this activity, and therefore previously unorganized activities are being organized.
“The point is that we want to build a long-term, robust structure and not something that is changed every other year”, says Johnsen.
“And we do this to help ensure that the unity and the power to accomplish that characterizes BCC can continue”, Aslaksen adds. “We experience that a well-organized structure with clearly defined roles for responsibility and authority, good procedures, as well as business plans and budgets, are necessary tools for us to be able to succeed.”
Do you want to contribute?
There is no doubt that the church will carry out a lot more in the coming years, and will need all the good talent that wants to be involved in this work. People with specialized skills and professional competence, who want to help accomplish something for the church’s purpose, were encouraged in the podcast to get in touch. However, there is also a need for anyone who wishes to contribute.
Tore Aslaksen said that the way most people can contribute is in caring, for example, as a mentor in youth work, but that all members can also contribute by focusing on conferences, and by donations.
The better we understand what we are a part of, and how the church’s structures are organized, the better we can contribute. And if someone is nonetheless not interested in organization, then we recommend that anyone who is passionate about the church’s purpose, to be active where one can and promote all the good things that are taking place in society that we are part of. Then there will be unity and power to accomplish at all levels of the church.
If you want to become more acquainted with the background, purpose and development of the BCC Federation, we recommend reading these articles:
Understanding more of the Federation
Document: Constitution
Page on Organization: the BCC Federation
Articles on
Update on donations
Value for money for the churches
Conferences: Finally, we can gather again