The extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives, which started with a constituent assembly, was held at Oslofjord Convention Center. 53 representatives were present and nine representatives participated on a video link. The church Elders, the board and the Secretariat of the BCC federation also participated, in addition to the leaders of the various enterprises in the federation. A number of observers from home and abroad were also present.
The day started with a welcome address by Finn Åge Ødegård from the Assembly of Representatives’ secretariat, before Elder Kåre J. Smith greeted the Assembly of Representatives and followed up with a prayer for the day.

The constituent assembly founded the BCC federation
As the first item, the founding of the new BCC federation was unanimously approved, based on the submitted Declaration of Incorporation, constitution, and bylaws. Elected representatives, members of the Elders, joint organizations and local congregations that became members of the BCC federation, and other attendees who so wished, participated in the incorporation , and signed the documents. In total, this amounted to 297 signatures.
The Declaration of Incorporation states that the BCC federation is founded in “recognition of, and with reverence and gratitude for Johan Oscar Smith, his conversion to Jesus Christ in 1898, and the impact his life and teachings have had for the growth and development of the church in the 20th century, and the spiritual heritage that Smith has given us and our descendants, as it appears in his books, letters and articles in Hidden Treasures published by Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag. Also in reverence for the men and women who, in the same spirit, have built the church until today”.
In the resolution, the Assembly of Representatives asked the Secretariat to ready the organization for operational activities from January 1, 2022.

The declaration of incorporation with constitution and bylaws was signed by a total of 297 people. Photo: BCC
Since the Assembly of Representatives resolved to establish the BCC federation in the summer of 2020, the federation has undergone a step-by-step development. During the constituent assembly, a constitution was adopted that will form the basis for the church’s activities in the years to come.
The constitution describes the BCC federation’s objectives, beliefs, and how the enterprise is to be run. The authority of leading bodies, decision-making processes in the federation, as well as the rights and obligations of the churches and organizations that are part of the federation are also stated here.
Read the document here: Constitution of the BCC Federation
The BCC Federation’s objectives are to:
- Promote the Christian faith among all people, as expressed in our basis of faith, and to teach those who want to, to keep all of Jesus’ commandments
- Further the framework conditions for Christianity and its standing in society
- Provide children and young people with a positive and healthy Christian environment, and create good framework conditions for children and young people’s personal, spiritual and social development
Important meetings for further development of the BCC federation
The constituent assembly was followed by two extraordinary meetings of the Assembly of Representatives, with a total of twelve items on the agenda. The first part of the day was set aside for the meeting of the Assembly of Representatives of the BCC federation. In the second part, there was a meeting of the Assembly of Representatives for the Brunstad Christian Church association, which as part of the transition to an international federation model, will become BCC Norway and the national association for the 19 Norwegian congregations.
The following items were considered:
Constituent assembly and extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives for the BCC federation
- Incorporation of the BCC federation, based on the Declaration of Incorporation, constitution and bylaws
- BCC A-team STI admitted as a joint organization of the BCC federation
- BCC Music STI admitted as a BCC joint organization of the BCC federation
- New business plans and revised budget for 2022
- Transition resolution – re. budget resolutions at the ordinary Assembly of Representatives meeting
- Transition resolution – re. admission to the BCC federation
- Appointment of a new committee – Event Customer Churches Committee
- Use of A-team in local construction projects
- Guidelines for communication for joint organizations
Extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives for the Brunstad Christian Church association (BCC Norway)
- Financing of missionary centers/properties
- Distribution of BCC balance – transfer of funds to BCC Fund STI
- Amendment of BCC’s bylaws – change to BCC Norway, and standard bylaws for Norwegian local congregations
All cases were considered and adopted in accordance with the proposals submitted, and 62 representatives participated in the vote. Below is a more detailed description of the most comprehensive resolutions.

62 representatives participated, with 400 present as observers. Photo: BCC
Constituent assembly and extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives for the BCC federation
The youth program and music foundation established as joint organizations of the BCC federation
Following a resolution, two new foundations were admitted as joint organizations of the BCC federation: BCC Music and BCC A-team.
The BCC A-team foundation will develop an international exchange program for young people. This will offer participants from all over the world a positive and healthy Christian environment, and based on BCC’s beliefs, promote fellowship based on a common faith, cultural exchange and sharing of experiences between young people.
BCC Music will develop the work with song and music in the church. This is an important part of conveying the gospel at our conferences and events, for the promotion of Christian faith and doctrine as recorded in BCC’s beliefs.

Revised budget and new business plans adopted
The budget that was presented contained some revisions to the original budget resolution from the ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives held on July 31.
- The BCC federation – revised budget for 2022
- BCC Event – business plan and budget
- BCC Fund – business plan and budget
- Youth Activity Organization Worldwide (YAOW) – application for support

The budget for 2022 was presented, with some revisions from the Assembly of Representatives meeting in July. Photo: BCC
Extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives for Brunstad Christian Church (BCC Norway)
Financing of missionary centers/properties and transfer of funds within the federation
In accordance with the plan and principles for reorganization into a federation, the Assembly of Representatives for Brunstad Christian Church (BCC) resolved to allocate funds for financing missionary properties to the mission organization BMS International (a joint organization in the federation since its establishment in 2020), grants and loans to BCC Romania and mission support to a non-profit organization in South America.
Further, the Assembly of Representatives resolved to transfer net values of properties and assets from BCC’s fund to the new foundation BCC Fund STI, which was admitted as a joint organization at the meeting of the Assembly of Representatives on July 31 this year.

Among other things, the Assembly of Representatives resolved to allocate funds to BMS International for financing missionary centers/properties. Photo: BCC
Amendment of bylaws and name change to BCC Norway
In the last case of the day, the Assembly of Representatives adopted new bylaws for the Brunstad Christian Church association (Norwegian organization number 979 961 073), which until now has functioned as the federation’s temporary central organization. The Assembly of Representatives adopted new bylaws with the following simultaneous resolutions:
- The Brunstad Christian Church association changes its name to BCC Norway and will be a member organization of the BCC federation
- Approval of new standard bylaws for Norwegian local congregations by BCC Norway
- Re-election of the current board as the new national board for BCC Norway
- All local churches in Norway which through their bylaws are linked to Brunstad Christian Church were admitted as members of BCC Norway.

The Assembly of Representatives meetings were held as an extension of a seminar day, with over 500 participants.
The BCC federation has been established as an international federation, which will contribute to the continued development of the church into the future. The structure should be both a protection and a tool, so that we can still be a dynamic and active community, and thus help carrying out the Great Commission that Jesus asked us to.