BCC’s Assembly of Representatives has held its annual meeting. A number of items were presented and considered by the 62 representatives in the meeting – including budgets and business plans for 2022.
By Berit Hustad Nilsen – Poto by Randi Fosse
For the first time in two years, the meeting of the Assembly of Representatives was held with physical attendance at the Jarlsberg Conference Center at Sem, Norway. About half of the 62 representatives participated via video link. Also present at the meeting were representatives for the Elders, the Secretariat, and boards of the BCC federation’s organizations.
The Assembly of Representatives considered and passed resolutions for the following issues:
- The annual accounts and annual report for the BCC federation
- The annual accounts and annual report for BCC in Norway
- Instructions for the Nomination Committee
- Election of foreign representatives for the period August 2021 – July 2022
- Business plans and budgets for 2022 – for several organizations in the BCC federation
- Changes to the composition and distribution of responsibilities for the Secretariat
- Admission to the BCC federation – process for admission of new organizations
- Establishment of a new organization for the BCC fund
- Election of a new board member in BMS International
- Election of a new deputy member in Brunstadstiftelsen (the Brunstad Foundation)
- Extra grants for Bible instruction and activities in YAOW (Youth Activity Organization Worldwide) for 2021
In addition, the Assembly of Representatives was briefed on the new graphic profile for the BCC federation, as well as issues of information from affiliated organizations.
The Assembly of Representatives adopts resolutions by a simple majority, and all matters on the agenda requiring decisions were adopted by at least 59 votes in favor. A selection of the resolutions are referred to in more detail below.

Annual accounts and annual reports approved by the Assembly of Representatives
The first item on the agenda was approval of the summarized accounts and annual report for the BCC federation, and was presented by Berit Hustad Nilsen and Finn Åge Ødegård. Then the annual accounts and annual report for BCC in Norway were presented. Both items were approved by the Assembly of Representatives.
You can read more about both reports here: BCC has published its annual reports for 2020

Business plans and budgets for organizations in the federation
The main item in the meeting was the approval of the 2022 business plans and budgets for the organizations in the BCC federation. This included a number of individual resolutions for finances and strategy in entities affiliated with the BCC federation.
The following business plans were presented and approved:
- The new central organization in BCC, presented by Trond Eivind Johnsen
- bcc.media foundation (BCC Media), presented by Johannes Schmechel
- BMS International, presented by Ben Oommen
- BCC Norway, presented by Morten Kristoffersen
Tore Aslaksen presented proposals for the 2022 budget for the BCC federation and proposals for a new distribution model for income in the federation from 2023.

The following budget items were adopted:
- A budget for joint income in the BCC federation totaling 121.9 MNOK, according to the case documents
- An expenses budget for the new central organization in the BCC federation, totaling 27.2 MNOK, according to the business plan
- Provision of grants totaling 73.8 MNOK to the following organizations, based on submitted business plans and with the proviso that all activities contribute to fulfilling the BCC federations basis and objectives:
- A grant of 50.0 MNK to bcc.media foundation
- A grant of 21.1 MNOK to BMS International
- A grant of 1.0 MNOK to the Skjulte Skatters Forlag foundation
- A grant to local churches in developing countries, totaling 1.7 MNOK
The Assembly of Representatives authorized the secretariat to set the necessary conditions for grants, to assess whether the conditions for grants are upheld, and to be responsible for the payment of these.
Furthermore, the Assembly of Representatives approved a transfer 5.0 MNOK of the central organization’s operating revenues to a disposition fund for the BCC federation organizations.

Establishment of a new organization for the BCC fund
Trond Eivind Johnsen presented a proposal to establish a new organization to manage the BCC fund. The Assembly of Representatives passed a resolution authorizing the BCC board to establish the foundation BCC Fund STI, with a share capital of up to 1 MNOK provided by BCC. Additional capital injections will be discussed at a later meeting of the Assembly of Representatives.

All items adopted
The last item to be decided on was an application for additional funding for YAOW (Youth Activity Organization Worldwide) for 2021, in accordance with the revised business plan. The Assembly of Representatives provided an extra grant of 5 MNOK for Bible instruction and activities for young people, in addition to the 3.6 MNOK previously granted for the year 2021.
All items were considered and adopted in accordance with the submitted proposals.