Celebration and expectation filled the air during the start of BCC’s summer event on Saturday evening. The next nine days will be filled with edification and activities, and at the opening meeting, we heard about fellowship in the light, in the kingdom of God’s beloved Son.
By Johanne Reiersrud/Ulrikke Andresen – Photo: Anne-Sophie Tombre/Gina Vetsch
With the evening sun overhead, excited guests arrived at the conference facility at Brunstad. Happy reunions lightened the atmosphere while they passed one by one through Covid-19 into the hall’s five zones.

Adele Osberg Nilsen (29) looked forward to entering the hall again:

“I look forward to hearing the message, and to sing again. When I come here, I experience both faith, edification, and good conversations.”
“One thing that makes the experience special is being able to meet other believers- people who wish to do good for others. It affects the whole atmosphere. Personally, I love coming here every year, meeting friends again and hearing about how they are doing,” she says.
In addition to the participants in the hall at Brunstad, almost 50 countries attended Saturday’s opening meeting online. Usually, more visitors from different continents attend, but this year international participation is taking place on-screen, with a diversity of languages and nationalities contributing songs and speeches.
Fellowship in the light
During the first broadcast, verses from Colossians 1:12-14 were read: “Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”
The audience heard about the kingdom of light, and the power of having a life in God’s light. The redemption in Jesus provides great opportunities- to live according to God’s word, and to triumph over all sin. When we obey God’s commandments, He can make us a blessing.

“When we have fellowship with the Father of Light, from which every good and perfect gift comes, we will always have something to offer and bless others with. This is how it is when we give ourselves wholeheartedly to Jesus,” said Kåre Smith in his opening message.
“When you become a wholehearted person who stands for something, then you will experience His rich power. Then it’s possible live in joyous anticipation of meeting our Creator and giving account at the end of our life; not just to a gracious God, but to a righteous judge.”
He also emphasized II Corinthians 5:14-15: “…We judge thus; that if One died for all, then all died; and he died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”

Summer events = good memories and community
Having a shared faith to meet around is important for the BCC community, and many individuals feel its healing effects, both spiritually and personally. Faith is strengthened, and there are opportunities for both young and old to meet old friends and make new ones.

“I have only good, safe memories of the Brunstad conferences from when I was young. Hearing the gospel and meeting good friends that I do not see so often makes summer one of the year’s highlights. In the past year we’ve seen that there’s no guarantee we can meet, so I am very excited,” says Einar Ådalen (39).
He and his family will participate in several events and activities this summer, and share the time with good friends:
“This year I believe my family is most looking forward to experiencing the summer at Brunstad with friends again, and the community here. In addition, there are a lot of activities available for families.”
Swipe to see photos from yesterday:
Photo: BCC
There is a varied program with 14 smaller events prepared for the next nine days, with options for different age groups. Children can look forward to sports camps and three full days of activities. There will be theme meetings and activities for young people, a senior’s lunch for the elderly, and edification for all adults.
We will provide more updates during the summer’s events here on bcc.no.