Grand finale of international summer conferences

The summer conferences in BCC are a vibrant melting pot of different cultures united by our shared Christian faith. This weekend, BCC`s conference-summer officially came to an end after an outstanding time of edification, themed meetings, and activities for children, young people, and adults.

Text: Johanne Reiersrud – Photo: Anne-Sophie Tombre/Randi Hutt

Several thousand people have visited Oslofjord Convention Center during the weeks BCC has rented the facilities. Altogether, the numbers from BCC Events show nearly 18,000 registered participants for the two conferences.

What is it that unites us?

For BCC members around the world these summer events mean a great deal, and participants this year have traveled from 38 countries to be a part of the Christian community and hear its teaching. Participants have come here from India, Cameroon, Mexico, Australia, and many other countries. Most save for the journey and lodgings themselves, while some receive assistance from BCC to finance their trip.

This summer, guests from 38 countries have been gathered for conferences and fellowship at the Oslofjord Convention Center in Vestfold. Photo: BCC

BCC`s conferences are held in idyllic surroundings at Oslofjord Convention Center`s fantastic conference facilities. But it isn`t the warmth of summer, the location, or the buildings which draw thousands of guests from all corners of the world. It isn`t that they are especially similar to one another either.

In spite of different life circumstances, backgrounds, and walks of life, our faith knits us together.  Our common values create a unique bond, and differences fade away when likeminded people from many cultures meet for edification and instruction in faith. For those who come here, the importance of the gospel is universal, and they consider it an unparalleled help for the development of their personal Christian lives.

The foundation of faith and preaching creates an important unity between people from many countries and cultures. Here are two French visitors. Photo: BCC

Focus on facilitation for children and youth

A lot of emphasis is placed on good experiences for all of the children and young people who spend time here during their summer vacation. This conference-summer, the young have had more activity options than ever before. At the same time, themed gatherings have been available for different age groups. To create as many good options as possible, many volunteers and considerable international involvement were necessary.

“A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed and gotten up early to put in an effort,” says leader Kåre Smith in a film shown on the big screen during the last meeting of the final evening. He extends a special thanks to the enthusiastic Germans who contributed to JuniorPoint and JuniorCamp, both including diverse activity options for children and youth, and open for different age groups every day and evening for four whole weeks of summer.

Film clip looking back at the children`s conference weeks. Photo/editor: BrunstadTV

Summer conferences reach new heights

“Many have been working consciously to lift the standards at Brunstad to new levels this summer, and I want to thank everyone too,” adds Bjørn Nilsen. He is among those passionate about developing good conference experiences for Brunstad summers. “A great amount of change has already happened this summer, and we will continue to develop and look forward to Summer 2019.”

“The new conference program launched this year was a little more relaxed, but at the same time the edification was more concentrated,” says Johannes Schmechel from Germany. “I think it`s been fantastic.”

Film clip looking back at the young people`s options during the summer conferences. Photo/editor: BrunstadTV

Thanks for your efforts, and thanks for this year

“Those who are bowed partake in transformation. From evil cleansed, God´s goodness then flows in; Then from their hearts flow comfort, consolation. They have the blessed mind of Christ within,” rings the song from a full hall the very last day.

BCC would like to thank all the volunteers whose contributions have made these summer weeks as memorable as possible for children, young, and old from all corners of the world. Thousands of hours are put into these efforts, which have enormous significance for everyone who has attended the conferences.

It is a little sad that another Brunstad Summer has come to an end, but participants leave for home with new inspiration and Bible verses that will be put to practical use this coming year.

Kåre J. Smith has held many speaches that have given children, youth, and adults inspiration to live the life of faith through these several weeks of summer. Photo: BCC

Friendship and good memories are created when people from many places meet and attend conferences in the summer. Photo: BCC

Children`s paradise: This summer has been shown by its best side, and the children have been able to fish at least as many crabs as last year. Photo: BCC

BCC would like to thank all the volunteers whose contributions have made these summer weeks as memorable as possible for children, young, and old from all corners of the world.