Brunstad Christian Church

A leader who lives what he preaches: Kåre J. Smith 80 years old

It is a respected church leader who turns 80 this fall. For 30 years, Kåre J. Smith has led the church with a steady course into a new era. For decades ...

The goal for the mission collection has been reached

On 4 August, a collection was launched that was to continue throughout the fall. Already, the goal for the collection has been reached...

This is what a professor thinks about BCC’s finances

“Brunstad Christian Church has come further than most organizations and faith communities in planning its finances, with a strong focus on transparency, ...

The twins’ lives were never the same after meeting the church

The first time they wanted to go to a conference at Brunstad, their parents wouldn't let them. Now they come again and again with their own families. Read ...

Ready for a new autumn: Faith in the future

An eventful summer has come to an end. The summer conference concluded with an information broadcast from the Magazine, and an address by Kåre J. Smith...

Being parents of young children at a summer conference

The day has finally arrived. The children have been waiting and waiting, counting down the days and talking non-stop about the highlight of the summer for ...

How BCC’s economy becomes strong and sustainable

How BCC’s finances become strong and sustainable

Thanks to a few thousand people, significant capital has been raised for a place to gather for Christian conferences. Now the question is: How do we ensure...

Vi har snakket med tre av de fremmøtte på representantskapsmøtet 20. mai 2024 for å høre mer om hvem de er.

Three about the Assembly of Representatives’ meeting: – The work is moving forward

Being a representative on the supreme body of an international federation can sound like a lofty title, only available to "very special" people. But most ...

Annual report for the BCC Federation 2023

The annual report for 2023 has been published

Read the annual report and get an insight into what the BCC Federation and joint initiatives have spent time and money on in 2023...

A change of pace in missionary work

"We're on the doorstep of an enormous missionary initiative," says the presenter from the stage. It's a mission feast, and the local church in Stavanger, ...

Bible Kids Explorers skaper engasjement for barna på Spring-festivalen i Tyskland

Bible Kids attracts interest at Christian festival in Germany

Last week, Bible Kids once again participated in a Christian festival in Germany. The concept engaged the children, who got to experience time travel back ...

– I have a whole new understanding of the Letter to the Romans

– I have a whole new understanding of the Letter to the Romans

Since the New Year, the "Message to the Romans" Bible project has occupied youth groups from all corners of the world. On Sunday evening, it culminated in ...

Gate Zero - Holy Bible reading plan

Gate Zero releases reading plan in popular Bible app

The team behind the Bible game Gate Zero has prepared a reading plan that allows you to step right into the temple in Jerusalem and experience the events ...

A two-dimensional work: By working together we feel the need for salvation

A two-dimensional work: By working together we feel the need for salvation

This weekend marks the first volunteer weekend of the year. With voluntary work as an important pillar for the operation and development of the church, ...

BCC Media deltar på MEHR konferansen i Sør-Tyskland

Presenting engaging Christian content for “generation Z”

On the first weekend in January, 11,000 people gathered at the MEHR Christian conference in southern Germany. BCC Media was there to showcase the products ...

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