- Location: Oslofjord Convention Center
- Meeting leader: Berit Hustad Nilsen
- Recording the minutes: Trond Eivind Johnsen
- Number of representatives in the meeting: 160
- Number of observers: 359
- All cases presented were adopted
The BCC Federation
Approval of annual accounts and annual report
The BCC Federation’s organizations are autonomous and submit their own accounts, but the BCC Federation has prepared summarized annual accounts that document all the central activities of the BCC Federation and the joint initiatives.
The BCC Federation’s own financial statements and the summarized financial statements and annual report were presented at the meeting and approved, together with the auditor’s reports.
Read the annual report and summarized accounts here
Changes to the constitution
Changing the constitution requires a 9/10 majority.
The Assembly of Representatives’ working methods and the frequency of the Assembly of Representatives meetings were changed to two ordinary meetings each year, which improves the planning process.
The Elders had proposed a change in the wording of part of the purpose, which was adopted. From:
Promote the Christian faith, as set out in the BCC Federation’s Basis of Faith, among all people and teach those who want to, to keep all of Jesus’ commandments.
Promote the Christian faith, as set out in the BCC Federation’s Basis of Faith, among all people and teach them to keep all of Jesus’ commandments.
Information on adjustments to the long-term financial plan
An update was provided on adjustments to the long-term financial plan that fell under the secretariat’s mandate in accordance with the resolution of 2 December 2023.
Admission of churches to the federation
The BCC Federation was established in 2021 and one of the goals was to gather all BCC churches worldwide in the federation. As a follow-up to previous resolutions, minimum requirements were adopted for churches to be granted membership. A task force has been established to help continue the process for this.
Appointment of committees
New task forces have been established for church membership, volunteering and communication. In addition, an event evaluation committee has been established. The nomination committee is responsible for recruiting representatives to the committees.

Activities plan BCC A-team
In order to better follow the rhythm of participation in the BCC A-team, which follows the school year from summer to summer, an activity plan was presented for the period August 2024 to July 2025. In the future, BCC A-team will also use a deviating financial year. The plan was adopted.
Election to boards and committees
The nomination committee has worked to find candidates for boards and committees. Board elections were held in six joint initiatives. A total of 125 people are engaged as volunteers on boards or committees, and efforts are being made to recruit more of those who are elected to the Assembly of Representatives.