A change of pace in missionary work

"We're on the doorstep of an enormous missionary initiative," says the presenter from the stage. It's a mission feast, and the local church in Stavanger, Norway, has been working for almost a year to prepare the feast and the collection. For the audience the biggest news at the feast is probably that Hidden Treasures' publications will be free and made much more accessible.

The launch of digital mission has already taken place years ago. Several of the digital channels that have been in operation have already achieved high viewing figures. But now the initiative is gaining momentum in new areas. With funds from the mission collection, new opportunities open up to help fulfil the mission Jesus gave all disciples.

The result of the collection, which has been ongoing in the months leading up to the feast, is massive. Over NOK 26.8 million has been raised by members for the Hidden Treasures Foundation Publishers to drive digital mission. The list of donors includes over 100 churches and fellowships. The collection was budgeted at 25 million. It is the Assembly of Representatives that decides what purpose the collection will be used for, based on proposals put forward by the Elders.

The task we have been given by the Elders is to put the church in “Go therefore” mode, Espen Kyllevik says referring to the great commission. He is the producer of the feast.

– We are experiencing a tremendous response. Many have been waiting for this. Everyone we talk to thinks it’s fantastic that what we hear at each meeting, and not least our songs, will now be much more accessible out there for anyone who wants to find it.

Espen Kyllevik. Photo: BCC

Go therefore – digitally

Since 1912, the Hidden Treasures publication has been published monthly. Even during the Second World War, when paper was rationed, production was kept up.

The magazine was to function as a snowplough, “because people can’t see the road”, Johan Oscar Smith wrote to his brother in December 1911.

From the beginning, the publication had most of its readership outside what was then the beginning of the church. Johan Oscar Smith encouraged people to spread the early issues of the publication.

The need to be able to see the way and spread the message of a life of sanctification is highly relevant today. The time has come to continue the line Johan Oscar Smith held from the beginning, to reach as many people as possible who have an ear for the truth, also on digital platforms.

Where can we read the publication?

A new website for Hidden Treasures is already in the making. The content on the site will be new and old literature, media and video content as well as study tools, which can spread the gospel and provide guidance in living in sanctification, as the Bible and Paul encourage us to do.

The funds will be used for publishing digital content. The paywall will be removed. It makes content easier to find, easier to share and easier for search engines to pick up.

According to the plan, the new website will be up and running in the autumn of 2024. We look forward to following the further steps here at bcc.no.