Letter to the Romans – is it relevant to young people?

Questions are asked, tasks are solved, and young people all over the world watch, listen and discuss. This year's first Bible study project is about the famous letter Paul sent to the Romans, and the theme is sanctification.

Both volunteers and employees have been working for months to prepare for this exciting project. But is sanctification really a relevant topic for young people in 2024?

Since mid-January, youth groups around the world have been studying the Letter to the Romans. Many are reading it digitally, others are listening to the letter as an audiobook, while some are still sticking to the paper version of the Bible. In addition, they have been listening to podcast episodes that explain both the content and the historical background of the letter.

There is a very clear awareness that Paul’s letter to the Romans can be difficult to understand.

“It’s a rich letter with 16 chapters, but we have tried to make it as easy as possible for young people to take an interest in what Paul wants to convey,” says Johannes Schmechel.

He is an editor at BCC Media and has been involved in the production from the start.

Game nights = youth meetings with a new twist

To make it interesting, BCC Media has used a variety of tools. A concept of “Game nights” has been prepared for local youth meetings, where the young people themselves get involved to understand the theme. The youth groups gather at the venue, and the time is “set back” to Rome in the year 57. The decor, food and competitions are designed to inspire and arouse interest.

“Youth groups all over the world have sent us photos and videos from the experience, and it’s really touching to see how young people get involved in this,” says Schmechel.

During the three evenings, there are short Bible studies where Kåre J. Smith explains in an easy-to-understand way about different parts of the Letter to the Romans, and what it can mean for the individual’s life to enter into the development Paul was so keen to communicate.

Kåre J. Smith during one of the Bible sessions, where various parts of the letter to the Romans are explained in a way that is tailored to the youth.

The following group assignments contain both theoretical and practical tasks where participants must work together, discuss, and reflect to find solutions.

A proposal for the program has been prepared by BCC Media, and then local youth workers have taken it further and put together a program that suits the different youth groups.

Watch a video with pictures from youth “Game nights” around the world

The topic is highly relevant

The response so far shows that the letter to the Romans is both highly relevant and exciting. Throughout the period, the young people have been able to ask the elder brothers questions. So far, they have answered over 100 questions, and the questions show that the young people are reflecting on the important content of the letter to the Romans.

“The goal of the project is for the young people to understand, and be awakened to, the need for sanctification in their own lives,” says Johannes Schmechel, “and discussing different approaches, asking questions and inquiring is an important part of the process.”

The project will continue until Easter, when the final Bible study will take place during the youth Easter camp. There, the origin and message of the letter will be further discussed and described using both visual and musical elements.

The youth receive answers to questions about the letter to the Romans through an app.

Watch the teaser for the Bible study on the letter to the Romans.

What we believe about sanctification

We believe that sanctification is the solution for all people who are tired of the effects, conflicts and worries of sin. Sin broke man’s relationship with God, but we were reconciled to God by Jesus’ death, and much more, we can be saved by His life. This is called sanctification, which is the way back to a personal fellowship with our heavenly Father.