View pictures and films from the children’s days

At the conference, it is important that the children have good memories to take with them in life. This year there were again children's days with festivities, activities - and a brand-new musical about having Jesus as a friend. Here you can see the pictures.

The children had two rich days of music, play, and a children’s meeting with a good message. Components of the children’s program were prepared well in advance. BCC Event and BCC Media were responsible for much of the production but were helped by dozens of volunteer young people and adults, who pitched in to give the children memorable experiences. Some helped organize activities, others were mentors for a children’s group, and others were on stage as singers or actors.

The childrens’s summer program:

  • Concert with singing and dancing from children’s choirs from several countries
  • Children’s meeting 3-5 years
  • Children’s meeting 6-12 years
  • Several days of activities and play throughout the conference area
  • Separate day for “tweens”; children between 11 and 12 years.
  • Intro Live for everyone aged 11-15

Swipe to see more photos from the children’s days:

Children’s musical about hearing Jesus’ voice

“Learning how to hear the voice of Jesus is the best choice we can make”, said the host, Gjermund Haukelidsæter, when he opened the children’s meeting for the oldest children in the main hall. And this is exactly what they were going to hear more about this morning.

The program begins with a film, a journey back to the time of Jesus. We are told the story of Lazarus who rose from the dead, and his sisters – Martha about Mary. The film depicts how important it is to hear Jesus’ words – his voice. Mary understands that when Jesus is near, it is important to hear what he says.

Then came the focal point – a recently produced musical – which was also about learning to hear Jesus’ voice.

In the musical, we meet a girl named Anna, who does not grow up in a home with Christian faith. Nevertheless, she feels a longing for something more than the physical world she sees around her. She senses that Jesus has something to say to her, and in the musical, she meets a person who helps her get to know him.

View film clips from the musical here

The entire program for the children will be repeated during the second summer conference in August. The musical will be performed again and will be published online after this.

Until then, we can share a taste of it here, with the song “Prayer under the stars”: