Meet five at the camp

This week, young people from all corners of the globe gathered for the Brunstad Youth Club Summer Camp. Here the life of faith is strengthened, and memories of a lifetime are created. Meet five of the participants.

Oslofjord Convention Center has been teeming with life in recent days; according to Brunstad Youth Club (BUK), 4,800 young people from 28 countries have participated in the annual summer camp.

The days have been packed with activities adapted to a number of areas of interest. There have been faith gatherings in the evening, which have continued with good conversations and communal singing outside in the summer evening.

We spoke with five of the participants at the Camp, about how they’ve experienced the last few days:

Renee (24), comes from far away – all the way from Detroit in the USA. She participated in Master Chef and several other summer activities. She is also a mentor for the younger people who travel with her, and talks about the experience of seeing those who came here for the first time:

“Seeing the faces of our younger participants, for me, has been one of the best things about the camp. Showing them the large plenary hall where all the evening meetings take place was very special. They have seen lots of digital broadcasts from here, but they were so happy to actually be there in person, and experience the atmosphere”, she says.

Renee (No. 3 from back left) has traveled here together with 15 other young people from Detroit. Photo: Private

Mary Karla (12) was among the youngest participants at the camp, and she is here for the first time. She signed up for painting and also for several different water activities. She tells about her great experiences:

“On the first day we had a water fight, swimming and “bubble football”. It was so much fun. So many friends together, and the sun shining.”

She is now about to become one of the youth, and talks about her expectations of becoming part of her local group in the autumn:

“I can’t wait to start at BUK, and to see what the future camps will be like. They come up with something fun and special every time.”

Mary Karla (left) with friends from her local club, at the painting activity. Photo: private

Kjetil Andre (26) is one of the mentors who organizes activities for the younger people:

Kjetil Andre (26), volunteer co-organiser

“I live in an apartment with 4 boys who are at camp for the very first time. They are having a great time and are laughing from just about the time they get up until they go to bed”, he says.

In addition, he helps arrange one of the obstacle courses in the «sports-package»-activity, and tells us about his motivation for contributing:

“Firstly, it gives me a lot of joy to be able to help make others happy. When I do something for others and don’t think so much about myself, that’s when I’m at my best”, he says.

“Secondly, so much that happens at the camp that is carried out by volunteers, and it’s just the obvious thing that I also contribute where I can.”

Mathias (16) comes from BUK Grenland, and has traveled with approximately 260 young people. He has signed up for the coding and video activities:

“We are having a lot of fun – I’d say it’s been “ten out of ten” so far. We’re meeting many people from many different places and can get to know each other and share our interests.”

“We’re learning to code games in 3D and try them out together. And on “video”-group we go around and film the activities that take place at the camp. Some of it will be used to show everyone on the closing evening”, he says.

Mathias (on the right) together with several participants in “coding”, where they get to try their hand at making their own games. Photo: private

Michelle Jacob (21) from England tells how the camps help to strengthen one’s life of faith:

Michelle (left) from one of the BUK groups in England.

“It’s simply unique, coming here with young people from all over the world. I feel very lucky”, she says.

“There is an incredible power that I feel during the camps, and it has worked in me like a wake-up call. Certain “knots” in my life have been untied by hearing and experiencing the simple clarity and purity of God’s word that we hear here.”