Meeting of the Assembly of Representatives: Together into the Future

As part of the development of the BCC Federation, an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives was held this weekend. 60 representatives and about 120 observers participated.

In 2021, the constitution of the BCC Federation was adopted. This has been an important development of the international structure that will contribute to the church being built further into the future. This weekend’s extraordinary meeting was held to ensure progress in the development of the federation, adopt follow-up matters from the meeting in November, and inform about the processes leading up to this summer’s ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives.

The meeting was held at Oslofjord Convention Center, and via video link for representatives who were not physically present. The following matters were to be considered:

Agenda for the meeting of the Assembly of Representatives in the BCC Federation

  • Opening of the meeting, electing the chair of the meeting and secretary, approval of the meeting notice and agenda
  • Covid-19 consequences for the Event finances 2022 etc.
  • Admission of associated organizations in the BCC Federation
  • Establishment of committees for key initiatives
  • Foundation for Real Estate and Facilities admitted as a joint initiative in the BCC Federation
  • Minor English language changes in constitutional documents
  • Postponement of the deadline for registration of representatives in 2022

Agenda for the meeting of the Assembly for Representatives in the BCC Event STI

  • Election of board in BCC Event STI
Both representatives and observers were present. Photo: BCC
The participants came from over 20 countries. Photo: BCC

– We are on our way and have much to accomplish

The Church Elder, Kåre J. Smith opened with a greeting to the participants. He encouraged co-operation and unity among those responsible in the churches and thanked them for all the work that is going into developing the BCC Federation, both centrally and locally.

Berit Hustad Nilsen from the Assembly of Representatives’ secretariat was elected chair of the meeting and welcomed the representatives. She thanked all the representatives who have been active in the development of the church.

“We have a lot to do, and even though we are not on target with everything new that has begun, we are well on our way. The more people who get involved, the better we will succeed”, she said.

All matters were considered and adopted in accordance with the proposals submitted. Below is a more detailed description of the resolutions.

Kåre J. Smith encouraged cooperation and unity in church work. Photo: BCC
Berit H. Nilsen welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. Photo: BCC

Consequences of Covid-19 for the event economy 2022

The budget and business plan for BCC Event was discussed by the Assembly of Representatives on 21 November 2021, but when the corona pandemic flared up again with new lock-downs, this has affected both BCC Events’ finances and Oslofjord as a supplier. Now that society has opened up again, it is desirable to have an increased focus on the conferences for the rest of the year. However, BCC Event needs the time until the Ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives in July for a complete revision of the budget for the current year.

The Assembly of Representatives supported an increased focus on BCC Event conferences in 2022, but without increasing participant prices in relation to the approved budget, and asked BCC Event and the Secretariat to present a revised budget during the ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives in July, where the totality of the financial consequences of covid-19 can be assessed.

Peter Tischhauser presented the matter regarding BCC Event’s finances after Covid-19. Photo: BCC

Children’s and youth associations become associate members of the BCC Federation

Work for children and young people is an important investment, and four children’s and young people’s associations have expressed a desire to initiate a process for possible full membership in the BCC Federation. Thorough processes are required prior to membership, but until the process is completed, an associated membership will be positive for the children’s and youth organizations, and it can create a framework for the further process.

The Assembly of Representatives approved the applications from Brunstad Ungdomsklubb (Brunstad Youth Club), Aktivitetsklubben (Activity Club) and Xercize, which are admitted as associate members of the BCC Federation. Regarding the application from Make Music, the Assembly of Representatives postpones further processing, until an overall assessment from BCC Music regarding the song and music initiative is made available.

Committees for key initiatives in the federation

To succeed with key focus areas for the church, it has been proposed that separate committees be appointed that can prepare comprehensive strategies for important target groups and projects. Children, youth, and seniors are three such important target groups for the church. Furthermore, there is a need for coordination, planning and inspiration around the increased focus on conferences, and voluntary efforts during these conferences.

The Assembly of Representatives therefore decided to appoint a Children’s committee, Youth committee, Senior committee, and a committee for action, to address these needs.

Admission of a facilities foundation as a joint initiative in the BCC Federation

Across the BCC Federation and the joint initiatives, there are different needs for real estate facilities for their activities, such as office and production facilities, accommodation capacity for A-team, etc.

The Assembly of Representatives supported the establishment of BCC Facilities STI with submitted bylaws and the proposed board candidates, and that the foundation be included as a joint initiative in the BCC Federation from its establishment. The BCC Federation provides share capital of NOK 1 million. The board of BCC Facilities consists of Alf Aadalen as chairman of the board, and Erik Fuglset, Line Telle, Jan Oscar Kvitberg and Miriam Kronstad Johansen as board members.

Minor English language changes in constitutional documents

At the meeting, the Assembly of Representatives adopted minor English-language adjustments to the constitutional documents for the BCC Federation. The changes do not affect the meaning of the contents.

Postponement of registration of new representatives for the period 2022-2023

According to Article 3.3 of BCC’s constitution, representatives must register with the BCC Federation by 1st May. The deadline is set so that annual meetings of the Assembly of Representatives can be held as early as 1st June. In 2022, however, it will be sufficient for the secretariat to receive the registrations by 15 June, due to later proceedings. New deadlines also coincide better with the time most local churches hold their ordinary annual meetings.

Meeting of the Assembly of Representatives for BCC Event: election of board members

The Assembly of Representatives supported the nomination committee’s recommendation, and elected Trond Eivind Johnsen as chairman of the board, with Peter Tischhauser, Lukas Egger and William Irving as board members of BCC Event.