A New Series: While We Wait For Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, and this holiday season is something both young and old look forward to. The celebration of Jesus coming to earth is a central point of our faith community, and with a new family TV series, BCC hopes to spread the glad tidings of Christmas to more people.  

The TV initiative BCC Media has worked with in 2020 has spread the light of the gospel in new ways, and now they wish to spread the glad tiding of Christmas with a new family series, While we wait for christmas.

BCC Media has earlier produced several seasons of Christmas programs, and has a festive collection of children’s programs on its web-TV and YouTube.

Together in an unusual time

This year, the goal is to gather all generations for a nice evening together. On the last three Sundays of Advent, three different families are visiting the Christmas-themed studio to share the joys and challenges of Christmas, such as giving and sharing joy with others. There are also fun competitions, beautiful Christmas music, and video messages from different locations around the world.

“The programs are intended to interest young and old. I believe it can be a worthwhile reminder to talk about the Christmas story, and gain an understanding of values and traditions across generations. We hope this series will give an extra opportunity to gather around the Christmas message, and that it can create joy, hope and expectation for both children and adults around the world,” says Elise Schøll, an editor in the BCC Media foundation.

Swipe to see pictures from the new Christmas series:

A new animated film about the Christmas message

During each of the Christmas programs, a new episode is released with short, animated clips of the Christmas story. The films are in three short sections, and a new episode is released every Sunday in December.

“The Christmas story is familiar to most people, but this new series has new and beautiful animations which makes it even more exciting, especially for children,” says Elise.

“Animation provides opportunities to use effects such as shapes, colors, and music. It is equally important for us to recreate the story as it truly is, and that it’s 100% biblical. It’s an exciting challenge.”

She explains further that the manuscript is based on elements from the gospels of Matthew and Luke and has been thoroughly researched and prepared. The editor has also tried to recreate the story in a new form, to make it interesting for children and young people.

Watch the first episode here:

The entire series is being launched on YouTube in succession

Spreading the Christmas message

The new Christmas series has been in production since the summer with a team of about 10 employees. In addition, there are volunteers from several local churches who help with music, guests, and with translation and dubbing. 

In total, the animated series and the entire Christmas program are being dubbed in 14 different languages. For families in BCC, whether they live in Australia, South America or Europe, Sunday evenings are a good opportunity to watch TV together and be reminded of what happened over 2000 years ago and talk about why we celebrate this today.

BCC are happy to celebrate the Christmas holiday in memory of God’s gift of love to all people, and will work to spread the good tidings to all who want to hear it.

Below you can watch the entire first episode of “While we wait for Christmas”. All episodes are released on brunstad.tv, and the animated films are also posted on its YouTube channel.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Click on the picture to see the first episode of “Waiting for Christmas”:
