This weekend, 122 representatives from BCC’s local churches around the world gathered for the representative assembly. This is an annual gathering where all of BCC’s significant matters are heard and decided, including approval of yearly accounting and financial statements.
By: Anne Lea Nilsen – Photos by Jacob Zimakoff
Additional articles about the themes covered at the assembly will be published in the near future. In this article, we allude to BCC’s annual report and briefly summarize the meeting.
Good planning leads to sustainable development
The theme for the 2018 annual report is the sustainable development that allowed us to reach our 120th anniversary last year.
Med årsrapporten inviterer vi medlemmer og alle som interesserer seg for vår organisasjon til å sette seg inn i hvordan vi driver vår virksomhet. I BCC er vi opptatte av å bygge opp en solid struktur, både organisatorisk, sosialt og økonomisk slik at vi sikrer kommende generasjoners muligheter for å samles om den kristne tro.
In the annual report, we invite members, and everyone interested in our association, to acquaint themselves with how we operate and work. Building a solid organizational, social, and financial structure in BCC is important to us, to ensure that future generations can gather around the Christian faith.
Chairwoman Berit Hustad Nilsen presented BCCs annual report at the assembly meeting. Photo: BCC
The representative assembly – well-prepared and healthy numbers
After a joint welcome and prayer, BCC’s Chairwoman Berit Hustad Nilsen wished all the participants welcome to the representative assembly. Everyone had studied the case documents ahead of time and could send questions to the Board and administration.
General manager Vegar Kronstad introduced the financial report from 2018, which shows a surplus of 164 million NOK and an equity of 901 million NOK. The auditor’s and Board’s reports were also presented.
The participants had been able to review the case files in advance and were given a thorough presentation in the annual gathering for the Board of Representatives. Photo: BCC
Hustad Nilsen continued with the summary of the 2018 annual report, the background for the project, and how it builds on BCC’s values for communication: transparency, orderliness, clarity and mutual respect.
CFO and Board member Tore Aslaksen briefed the assembly on BCC’s long-term financial plan which applies to the current period through 2030. A number of assumptions must be made, but the overall goal is for BCC and its members to experience financial predictability and security.
CFO and board member Tore Aslaksen presented the financial plan, which will safeguard BCC’s financial stability in the years to come. Photo: BCC
Information easily accessible for everyone
BCC gets acknowledged for its thorough methods and works well with authorities, charitable organizations, and a number of professional groups.
We value interest in our association and gladly contribute interesting and correct information about our work and activities. For this reason, we publish weekly articles on our website, respond factually to inquiries, and make our financial statements and annual report easily accessible for everyone.
As a reader of the annual report, you might find it especially interesting to see how BCC has built a fund over the last ten years to ensure that future generations will also have the means to administrate the church’s purpose.