300 young people explore Norway in winter

In the middle of January, more than 300 participants from BCC`s Youth Program took a trip to Ål in Hallingdal. Christian young people from 31 different countries got together to experience what was for some their first Norwegian winter in the mountains.

By Thea Tangen – Photos by Eirik Tombre 

Many of the youth had been looking forward to this for a long time. Five buses of young people, volunteers, and employees from BCC’s Christian Youth Program arrived on Friday night at the assembly hall for BCC`s local church in Hallingdal. They were met with beaming hospitality and a hot meal. The weekend’s program, including outdoor activities like skiing and sledding, team competitions, and a banquet on Saturday evening, was presented to an excited audience.

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<em>Many took advantage of the chance to test the ski slopes. Photo: BCC</em></p>
<h3>An international Christian community</h3>
<p>Most participants in the Youth Program are students at Brunstad Bible School, in addition to some who are in groups affiliated with local churches on the eastern side of Norway. During the year-long program, they study the Bible and the church’s literature, the Norwegian language and culture, and work as volunteers on projects which support the church’s Christian objectives. This trip to Hallingdal is one of several breaks in their school year.</p>
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