BCC has recently received a number of communications from Norwegian and foreign newspapers, where the question is asked about our view in regard to voluntariness and child labour, and how these are dealt with in BCC.
By: Berit Hustad Nilsen – Photo: Trine Lindberg
Brunstad Christian Church(BCC) has a clear profile about our view regarding child labour or the exploitation of children, and of course we distance ourselves totally from such activity. We have an enthusiastic and active group of members, of which a large proportion is children and youth. BCC has therefore, especially in the last 30 years, had a special focus on facilitating for precisely this group, in order that they can experience a secure and good childhood both at home and in the church.
On this webpage we have published clear guidelines for youth under the age of 18, who want to contribute with voluntary effort for their association or local church. Amongst other things the following is stated:
«The organization must especially take the above into account in the case of young people under the age of 18 wanting to contribute with voluntary effort. The organization must ensure that the effort does not affect the child’s safety, health or development in an undesirable manner. Neither should it affect their school attendance. »
Of course BCC cannot guarantee that errors don’t occur in some of our local churches, but here from a central management point of view we have been quite explicit about how we want this to work. We also stress that we are extremely careful to ensure that individuals are not being exposed to force or pressure. We presuppose that all members who wish to make an effort on behalf of the community, do so voluntarily, because they themselves want to.
Should anyone be interested in reading more about our view in regard to securing a good and safe framework for children and youth, we recommend that you read more under the heading «About Us» in our annual reports which are published on this webpage.
[normal-button url=”https://bcc.no/aarsrapport2015/” label=”Annual report 2015″ color=”green” blank=”0″]
[normal-button url=”http://smithsvenner.no/2014/barn-og-ungdom/” label=”About Children and Youth” color=”green” blank=”0″]
[normal-button url=”https://bcc.no/om_oss/” label=”About our Values” color=”green” blank=”0″]