This is how many people are involved in the youth campaign each month

In the Magazine during this weekend's brothers’ conference, the focus was on youth work. Youth clubs in all parts of the world are working month by month to make it possible to travel to camps and buy accommodation at conferences in the future. We call this a “campaign.”

“Love for each other means that there is a lot of freedom in our youth work,” said Kåre J. Smith.

He went on to explain that the goal of our youth work is for Christ to form in the individual, as Paul puts it in his letter to the Galatians.

Kåre J. Smith believes there should be plenty of room for maneuver in youth work. Photo: BCC

“We humans tend to be very short-sighted,” said Bjørn Nilsen from the stage, inspiring the listeners to look at the big picture and think about where they want to be in the future.

This is because the campaign is long-term in nature, and it takes good organization for a youth club to be able to participate in youth camps in Norway several times a year.

Facts about camps

  • Organized Easter, summer and New Year by BCC Event for Brunstad Youth Club
  • For youth from 13 years of age
  • An important arena for the church’s missions work
  • Each camp lasts for 4-5 days
  • The camp consists of edifying evenings around God’s word, dozens of activities, and fellowship
  • Average budget per camp: NOK 25 million

“Everyone who wants to, should have the opportunity to come to camp”

4,572 That’s how many young people were active in the youth campaign in October.

A wide range of representatives from all corners of the world took to the stage during the Magazine to share tips and inspiration.


“We don’t need to get young people excited to travel to the camps at Brunstad. They’re excited already,” said Stephan from Germany.

On the other side of the Atlantic, a new partnership has been established between the US and Canada.

“If one church has very few mentors while another has more, or one church lacks accounting skills while others are good at it, we see ourselves as one team,” Matt explained.

He has initiated monthly online meetings with youth workers in all of BCC’s local churches in North America.

“Everyone should have the opportunity to reach their goal and come to youth camps at Brunstad and experience the goodness here,” he emphasized.

Their love for the young people is evident when the many volunteer youth leaders talk about how they work locally. As mentioned in the introduction, this work is about enabling the individual to enter into a life of following Jesus, so that He is formed in them.

Building new expertise in Romania

Cosmin from Romania explained how the campaign builds new skills locally.

“We had an experience this summer, where 150 people showed up to help refurbish the premises both inside and out. and it became very clear that we needed to get better at organizing the work, so that more people could be given responsibility. The same people cannot be in multiple locations at once.

Now there are more people taking responsibility, and the organization is getting better.”

Substantial capacity for implementation when many people take responsibility

“That’s how it’s been ever since I was young.”

Trond Øyvind from Eiker said that he grew up with campaigns, and that he has learned a lot from these.

“The focus is on showing the younger ones trust, so that they can also practice taking responsibility.”

He explained that it takes patience to work like this, but that it’s worth it:

“When a lot of people take on a little responsibility each, we become very strong and have great implementation capacity.”


Facts about Samvirk UNG

  • A program for youth who need hotel accommodation at conferences
  • From 18 to 26 years of age
  • Motivates young people to work systematically towards a long-term financial goal
  • The program ends when participants reach their goal and enter into a 20-year hotel agreement