The children explore the Bible

Just before summer, a new teaching concept was launched, which will make it more exciting for children to explore the Bible's stories and messages. This weekend, a new chapter was released, and several hundred children have tried it out.

This is Bible Kids Explorers

  • Interaktiv nettside, med ressurser for søndagsskolen
  • Ferdige undervisningsopplegg, med filmer, oppgaver, sanger og mer
  • Tilgjengelig på 12 språk
  • Åpen ressurs til bruk i søndagsskoler

Chapter 1 was released just before summer, with the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. Last weekend came the release of chapter 2, with a new theme and new exciting tasks, this time about Abraham.

This is how it works

On the website, the children take part in a journey through time together with the characters “Jack” and “Gina”, who are faced with dilemmas many children will recognize.

To find answers to the dilemmas, they go to their secret control room. Here they meet the narrator Iris, who takes the children back in time. Here they get to experience the history of the Bible up close and learn how the message can help them solve their own challenges.

The participants, who are Sunday school children and mentors, are along in guiding the journey through various tasks, and become “explorers” themselves.

Children from many different countries have tested the game. See photos from Cameroon, Chile and New Zealand:

“The goal is to give Sunday school teachers and mentors a completely new tool that can capture and engage children in a way that makes the Bible come alive for them”, says Annette Tobler, head of team children at BCC Media.

It is BCC Media that produces the films and publishes content on the website, and in collaboration with the BCC association’s children’s committee, they want to create a universe where children all over the world can experience the message as vibrantly as it is.

In the control room with Iris. Photo: BCC Media
Sara and Abraham. Photo: BCC Media

A long-awaited renewal for the children

Last Sunday, several committed Sunday school leaders were at work several hours before with technical preparations. One of the churches that tested the game was the local church in Grenland, Norway.

When the children entered the room, exciting music from the game played in the background, and everyone received their own tee shirt. A team of young people and adults was ready to welcome them.

They then split into smaller groups and set to work:

“New resources for children’s education have long been desired”, says Asgeir Nilsen (39). He has been involved in Sunday school in the church in Grenland for several years. “I never imagined that it would be this good, and it has exceeded all our expectations.”

“And everyone gets access to the same content, whether you live in Norway or in Asia! As mentors, we can meet the children at their level, with up-to-date and inspiring tools. There will also be natural settings where you can talk together about God’s word and life’s many challenges”, he says.

“The children remember things better when they are actively engaged and have to solve tasks together”, says Annette Tobler. “I think it strengthens the relationships between children, between children and mentors, and not least it strengthens the children’s relationship with Jesus.”

A new chapter is coming

Several hundred children have now tried out two different chapters, which function as supplements to the regular Sunday school. The Children’s Committee and BCC Media relate that they receive positive feedback from parents. Children in particular who have difficulty following the regular meetings become engaged and participate through this new teaching concept.

More chapters are in development:

“We are well into the production phase for chapter 3 now. This will be about David, and we are very much looking forward to seeing the result. And a few days ago we kicked-off work on chapter 4. However, the theme for chapter 4 is going to be a surprise”, says Annette.