Sources in need of money have, over several years, managed to make the media believe in untrue stories. BCC is contributing with a new book that documents ...
16. January, 2023
Input on freedom of expression
Last fall the Norwegian Commission for Freedom of Expression submitted its report to the Minister of Culture and Equality, Annette Trettebergstuen. It was ...
13. January, 2023
Churches as Community Builders
This week, BCC Norway took part in meetings of leaders in the Christian Council of Norway. Among the guests were the Minister for Religious and Life-stance...
13. May, 2022
Johan O. Smith 150 years: Righteousness as the foundation for life
It began with one man who quietly and calmly gave his whole heart to Jesus on May 17th 1898. Last weekend several thousand believers celebrated the jubilee...
12. October, 2021
BCC was admitted full membership in the Christian Council of Norway
The council meeting of the Christian Council of Norway voted today on admitting BCC as a regular member of the council. The majority voted yes. BCC ...
15. September, 2021
Work-party: enabling everyone to be along at the Summer Camp
«Dugnad» (voluntary work) is a well-known term in Norway – something churches and associations are familiar with. Brunstad Youth Club (BUK) have ...
18. June, 2021
NRK declined to survey BCC members about its allegations
Considering that NRK Brennpunkt will be portraying our faith community, BCC wishes to facilitate for all claims in the program to be thoroughly ...
6. November, 2020
See which methods and mechanisms constitute an influence operation, and get an overview of what investigative journalists have uncovered about Psy-Group...
5. November, 2020
Introducing Members of BCC
With around 8,800 members, BCC is only a small group in Norway. Nevertheless, many believe the public impression of BCC is not always accurate. We have ...
13. October, 2020
From empty coffers to well financed churches
BCC and many of the local churches have considerably strengthened their net assets in the last decade. This is not a coincidence, but the result of a clear...
29. September, 2020
Solutions for Youth Work during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Like the rest of the world, BCC youth groups in the 19 Norwegian churches had their everyday lives turned upside down during the last months. Usually the ...
25. August, 2020
Today, a new law was passed by the Norwegian Parliament. This is in many ways a historic act and one that Christians in Norway can be pleased with. The act...
17. April, 2020
Volunteers day 2019: Confidence in Voluntary Organizations
The UN day to mark the work of volunteers was celebrated over the whole country, and together with other member organizations, BCC participated in ...
6. December, 2019
Yesterday the 2019 Fall Camp opened in a packed Oslofjord Arena with youth from 27 countries. The primary target group for the camp is youth aged 13-18 ...
26. October, 2019
Looking back at Summer Camp 2019
Five days of summer camp at Brunstad are now over, but we’ll treat ourselves to a brief look back at some photos, and at the same time thank participants...