
Here you will find news and information from the BCC Federation.

Extraordinary meeting of the BCC Federation's Assembly of Representatives

This was adopted by the Assembly of Representatives

On Saturday, December 2, there was an extraordinary meeting of the BCC Federation's Assembly of Representatives. Here is an overview of the resolutions...

Pray for peace for Israel

Pray for peace for Israel

At the end of the fall conference, Kåre J. Smith encouraged the church to join in praying for Israel, and to pray for those suffering on both sides of the...

Ready for an Active Autumn

Ready for an Active Autumn

After a rich and eventful summer where the preaching of God's word continues to have ripple effects in our lives, there are also many practical tasks to be...

Fast-paced and Festive Celebration

For youth all over the world, the past six months have been a fireworks display of engagement and camaraderie across local churches and countries. Read ...

News about changes in the conference calendar and accommodation agreements

Members of BCC have a long tradition of prioritizing attendance at international conferences at Brunstad. From the early days of a simple tent area to ...

Vedtak i representantskapsmøte

The Following was Approved at the Assembly of Representatives

An extraordinary meeting of the BCC Federation’s Assembly of Representatives was held on Friday, April 7, 2023. Here is an overview of what was resolved ...

Representantskapsmøte 3. des 2022

The Following was Approved at the Assembly of Representatives

On Saturday 3 December, an Extraordinary Assembly of Representatives was convened in the BCC Federation. Here we present an overview of the decisions...

Kåre J. Smith tackles false claims

For several years, certain circles in the media have spread false, undocumented claims that BCC leaders were enriching themselves at the church's expense. ...

On relationship morals and the freedom of belief

The global church’s interpretation of the Bible’s view of relationships was previously beyond question. But today it requires a thorough explanation to...

A hectic autumn

“There’s so very much to do ere it’s too late”, we sing in a song written by Elihu Pedersen, which is about doing things for the Lord’s cause and...

Important decisions – the Assembly of Representatives meeting 2022

On 25 July, several important resolutions were adopted; among them were amendement to the Basis of Faith article in the Constitution, a new model for ...

This is how resolutions are adopted in the BCC Federation

Follow a representative in the months before the meeting of the Assembly of Representatives, and see which roles are involved in the decision-making ...

The annual report shows strong finances

The annual report for 2021 is now ready. Read it and keep up to date on the exciting developments, where the BCC Federation is preparing for the future...

Seminar day: Inspiring Voluntary Work

In continuation of the Pentecost conference, board and committee members, church elders and other key volunteers from the local churches were invited to a ...

Van der Linden goes to jail – but his narrative is still on the loose

Read the story: how the information war started, and how the media followed up. "I do not think my client has done this for himself. He was just a puppet ...

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