Congratulations to Bjørn Nilsen on his 80th birthday
With energy, enthusiasm and love for his fellow human beings, Bjørn Nilsen has served the church for many years. Now he's turning 80, and we wish him a ...
2. November, 2024
This was adopted by the Assembly of Representatives
On Saturday, December 2, there was an extraordinary meeting of the BCC Federation's Assembly of Representatives. Here is an overview of the resolutions...
5. December, 2023
Pray for peace for Israel
At the end of the fall conference, Kåre J. Smith encouraged the church to join in praying for Israel, and to pray for those suffering on both sides of the...
9. October, 2023
Ready for an Active Autumn
After a rich and eventful summer where the preaching of God's word continues to have ripple effects in our lives, there are also many practical tasks to be...
1. September, 2023
Fast-paced and Festive Celebration
For youth all over the world, the past six months have been a fireworks display of engagement and camaraderie across local churches and countries. Read ...
4. August, 2023
News about changes in the conference calendar and accommodation agreements
Members of BCC have a long tradition of prioritizing attendance at international conferences at Brunstad. From the early days of a simple tent area to ...
29. May, 2023
Seminar day: Inspiring Voluntary Work
In continuation of the Pentecost conference, board and committee members, church elders and other key volunteers from the local churches were invited to a ...
13. June, 2022
Van der Linden goes to jail – but his narrative is still on the loose
Read the story: how the information war started, and how the media followed up. "I do not think my client has done this for himself. He was just a puppet ...
22. April, 2022
Source of Brennpunkt-documentary sentenced to 2,5 years in prison
Today, 21 April 2022, the Dutchman Jonathan van der Linden was sentenced to 2,5 years of unconditional imprisonment, and to pay a fine of 160.000 euros for...
21. April, 2022
Collection in support of Ukraine
This week believers from all over the world have donated to the collection in support of friends and those in need because of the war in Ukraine...
13. March, 2022
Meeting of the Assembly of Representatives: Together into the Future
As part of the development of the BCC Federation, an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives was held this weekend. 60 representatives and...
13. March, 2022
The BCC federation has been constituted
It was a historic occasion when the Declaration of Incorporation with the constitution and bylaws of the BCC federation were signed on Sunday, November 21...
25. November, 2021
An inspirational magazine for the whole church
This weekend’s information magazine gave the members inspiring insight into what’s going on in BCC these days. The setting for the TV broadcast ...
16. November, 2021
BCC renews its graphic design
Exciting changes are taking place in the BCC organization these days. Our new logo is one way we are marking these changes. By Anne Lea K. Nielsen BCC has ...
6. October, 2021
Society opens up again – we look forward to being together
The monthly information broadcast to BCC viewers took on an extra dimension this Sunday. Nå kan det planlegges for stevner og arrangementer igjen, etter ...