Organization and Finance

This was adopted by the Assembly of Representatives

On November 30, 2024, an ordinary meeting of the BCC Federation's Board of Representatives was held. Here you get an overview of the decisions...

This is what a professor thinks about BCC’s finances

“Brunstad Christian Church has come further than most organizations and faith communities in planning its finances, with a strong focus on transparency, ...

One step closer to a single asset management foundation

In continuation of the Assembly of Representatives’ resolution on December 2, 2023, we can announce that BCC is one step closer to having a unified ...

How BCC’s economy becomes strong and sustainable

How BCC’s finances become strong and sustainable

Thanks to a few thousand people, significant capital has been raised for a place to gather for Christian conferences. Now the question is: How do we ensure...

This was adopted by the Assembly of Representatives

On Monday May 20th, an extraordinary meeting of the BCC Federation's Assembly of Representatives was held. Here is an overview of the resolutions...

Vi har snakket med tre av de fremmøtte på representantskapsmøtet 20. mai 2024 for å høre mer om hvem de er.

Three about the Assembly of Representatives’ meeting: – The work is moving forward

Being a representative on the supreme body of an international federation can sound like a lofty title, only available to "very special" people. But most ...

Annual report for the BCC Federation 2023

The annual report for 2023 has been published

Read the annual report and get an insight into what the BCC Federation and joint initiatives have spent time and money on in 2023...

What does the donation model cover?

Donation model covers over 70% of the BCC Federation’s expenses

When those who minister work for free, what does the donation model cover? Since 2021, the donation model in BCC has gradually changed. The summer meeting ...

This was adopted in the Assembly of Representatives

On Saturday July 15, 2023, the ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives of the BCC Federation was held. Here is an overview of the resolutions...

BCC-forbundets årsrapport 2022

Read the Annual Report for 2022

You can now read the latest annual report for the BCC Federation, and gain an overview of its central activities and insight into how the first full year ...

Insight into the financial management

In order to fulfill the Great Commission, BCC has invested aggressively over the course of several decades. Multi-channel publishing, financing the ...

Important decisions – the Assembly of Representatives meeting 2022

On 25 July, several important resolutions were adopted; among them were amendement to the Basis of Faith article in the Constitution, a new model for ...

Meeting of the Assembly of Representatives: Together into the Future

As part of the development of the BCC Federation, an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Representatives was held this weekend. 60 representatives and...

The BCC federation has been constituted

It was a historic occasion when the Declaration of Incorporation with the constitution and bylaws of the BCC federation were signed on Sunday, November 21...

This summer’s meeting BCC’S Assembly of Representatives

BCC’s Assembly of Representatives has held its annual meeting. A number of items were presented and considered by the 62 representatives in the meeting...

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