Three about the Assembly of Representatives’ meeting: – The work is moving forward

Being a representative on the supreme body of an international federation can sound like a lofty title, only available to "very special" people. But most of the 183 representatives are probably ordinary people who are passionate about the Christian faith. Furthermore, they have in common that they have a knack for organization and see that an orderly structure is absolutely necessary in order to fulfill the BCC Federation's purpose

We talked to three of the attendees at the Assembly of Representatives’ meeting on May 20, 2024 to find out more about who they are, what motivates them to contribute as representatives and what items they found interesting.

– Of course, good organization is needed

Stefanie Struik is 28 years old and works as a consultant with strategy and development management.

She is a member of BCC West Nederland. On a voluntary basis, she is active in youth work in her local church and is also on the board of BCC Event, which organizes international conferences and youth camps.

She attended the Assembly of Representatives’ meeting partly physically and partly digitally, as she had a flight to catch.


Why do you get involved as a representative?
“I’m very happy to be a part of BCC, it has a great impact on my personal life. That’s why I also want to help make it possible for more people to hear God’s word and experience “church life” with meetings, conferences, camps and so on. Of course, good organization is needed. As a representative, we look at all the activity plans that are created for the various joint initiatives, and assess whether they are in the best interests of the members.” .

At the start of the meeting of the Assembly of Representatives, Kåre J. Smith gave a greeting. Photo: BCC

Which items have been the most interesting today?
“There is not one specific item, but a goal that the BCC Federation should be one church. Kåre J. Smith started with the message that we all, as representatives, can have our place in the church, as “a member of the same body”. That was very motivating for me to hear. Furthermore, there were many exciting items, such as plans for the A-team program, the project for local churches to become members of the BCC Federation, improved financial reporting from all organizations, and the annual report from 2023.”

How have you prepared for the meeting?
“After I had read all the documents and written down my questions and comments, we had a meeting with the representatives from BCC West-Nederland, our local board and elders. Together, we went through the documents and discussed the different proposals presented, their implications and our questions. The Netherlands has collected all questions from our local churches centrally and sent them to the BCC Federation. We received answers to all our questions and comments and thus had enough information to make all decisions today.”

– Indicates that the work is moving forward


Fred Erik Nilsen is 41 years old and comes from Connecticut, USA. His day-job Is working in business management.

He is a part of the Assembly of Representatives, is a board member of BCC Connecticut, and is also a member of the Finance Committee. Fred Erik participated physically.

Why do you get involved as a representative?
“I was nominated to be a representative for the USA, and was today elected for a new term. Ilike to contribute where it can be of benefit.”

Which items have been the most interesting today?
“There were several items that indicates that the work is moving forward. Perhaps not so exciting, but still important milestones on the way forward. The issue of all local churches becoming members of the BCC Federation, and the new committee researching volunteer work are particularly interesting.“

How have you prepared for the meeting?
“Several trustees and the board of the local church in Connecticut go over the case documents together, in this way we gain an understanding of the items and are better equipped to implement them when decisions are made by the Assembly. If we have any questions or suggestions, these will be collected and submitted before the deadline.”

– Very interesting to see how the organizations work together towards a common goal

Sidsel Bolsønes Veierland is 49 years old and comes from Molde in Norway. Sidsel contributes as a volunteer in her local church as a board member of BCC Molde. In addition, she has overall responsibility for food and catering for the various events in her local church.

Did you participate physically or digitally?
“Physical participation – I try as much as possible to be physically present. I feel more involved when I’m in the room and part of the meeting.”

Why do you get involved as a representative?
“I like to be of use, and being on the board and as a representative I can help to ensure that the gifts members give are used for the benefit of all.”


Which items have been the most interesting today?
“I find it very interesting to see the whole of the BCC Federation and how the different organisations work together towards a common goal, for the benefit of the members.”

How do you prepare for the meetings?
“We are sent case documents to read well in advance of the meeting. Then the board of the local church invites the local elders to a meeting where we go through the items to be presented. We can also submit questions and input on items to be presented. This makes us feel heard and seen, even as a small local church in the larger community.”

About the meeting of the Assembly of Representatives

  • The Assembly consists of representatives elected by and among the members of the BCC Federation’s churches and children’s and youth organizations
  • There are 183 representatives in the BCC Federation
  • Approximately 360 observers attended the meeting
  • There are two Assembly of Representatives’ meetings a year
  • It is possible to participate both physically and digitally
  • In the event of a vote, two thirds of the votes are required for a resolution to be adopted.
  • Read more about how the BCC Federation is organized here: How the BCC Federation is organized