BrunstadMagazine February: Count-down to the Summer Conference

BrunstadMagazine is a TV show that gives members of BCC around the world information and inspiration on themes and projects that are important to them. February’s program focused on the summer conference of all time coming in 2018.

Author: Johanne Reiersrud – Photographer: Randi Hutt

In January, around 100 representatives from various local churches compiled ideas for this year’s summer conferences, and BrunstadMagazine took up the baton and enthusiasm from the gathering. This spring BCC, in congress with the local churches, intends to make this year’s summer conference unforgettable for both our local and international members

More about the inspirational seminar here

Faith is still the foundation, but the framework and organization are under development

Kåre Smith and Bjørn Nilsen, two of the show’s guests this month, discussed their visions of how the conferences will continue to be full of both spiritual content and good experiences. It is the foundation of faith that brings members together—this will not change—but the structure of the event can be developed further. We wish to use the practical and technological opportunities available to create the best experience for all nationalities who are guests at BCC conferences. It is also important that the up and coming generations hear the gospel, so the conferences have to evolve and facilitate inclusion and reception of the young.

Kåre Smith reminded viewers that it is God who works in each one both to will and to do in his/her life.  We are to bear one another’s burdens and share with our fellow human beings. Bjørn Nilsen underlined the importance of this foundation in our Christian community: to want to serve and provide, and thereby benefit others.

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<em>Kåre J. Smith and Bjørn Nilsen was the first pair of guests, and talked about bearing one another’s burden and our conferences as a good place to be for the next generation. </em><em>Photo: BCC </em></p>
<h4>Local churches from around the world will participate when BCC plans conferences</h4>
<p>Two Dutch guests, Hanna Kook and David Nooitgedagt, discussed the enthusiasm in their local churches for contributing performances and activities geared towards children during the summer conference. They want to use their experience from the Dutch children’s event “May week” which they arrange in The Netherlands every spring. This year, the anticipation among the Dutch for the conferences at Brunstad is even greater than usual, and Hanna explained that they wish to be contributors, not just guests.</p>
<p>“I have so many good memories from summers spent at Brunstad, and I have experienced inclusion and warmth from the other participants, including Norwegians.  Now we want to create the same experience for all of the children at the conference, contribute songs and musical numbers at gatherings, and also serve Dutch specialties.”</p>
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