BCC has been a driving force and a central support in regard to the establishment and operation of more than 20 regional conference centers around the world.
The properties have been purchased, developed and run by foundations or companies separate from BCC, however BCC has been an important economic and financial cooperating partner for many of the places. In the course of time it became apparent that there were many advantages to be gained in gathering the ownership and administration of many of the conference centers into a common organization.
BCC has experienced an enormous development throughout the world over a short period of time. Today BCC operates in over 50 countries spread over every continent. As a rule, the local churches around the world own their own local facilities, either directly through the association or through foundations or other organizations, all according to what fits best for the local conditions. This is probably how things will continue in the foreseeable future.
For regional conference centers the picture is somewhat different. Such places are generally used by many churches from several countries where they have neither the finances nor resources to operate the place on their own, or to be able to finance the costs where there is a need for reinvestment or development. The various regional conference centers, most of them in developing countries, have up until now been owned and organized in different ways and by various European organizations. In 2014 BCC, the local churches and the foundations involved along with companies on the ownership side, came to an agreement regarding merging the ownership of these into one organization. This work is now almost completed.
The main reason for the change in the organization is that we believe that a unified ownership structure, with a common administration will bring economies of scale and result in a more effective operation.